Chapter 1

911 11 5

The roads were busy and the usual London rain was pouring outside. My eyes were staring out the window, analyzing every single detail about the city that I could see from my apartment. An old couple walking with a stroller caught my attention. They were probably babysitting their grandkid or something. A group of teenagers were walking on the pavement, all of their noses in their phone screens. Typical.

I sighed before getting up from my armchair and getting into the kitchen, pouring coffee into a black mug. My phone chimed a few times, making me sigh before looking at what it was.

It was some messages from different sailsmen asking me if I wanted to get a new subscription on stuff. I almost always ended up deleting them. Right before I shut my phone again, something caught my eye.

@/roberpattinson wants to follow you.
Decline | Accept

My brows furrowed in confusion as to why the Robert Pattinson would ever wanna follow me. My Instagram was private and everything. As I was about to click accept my phone rang, making the screen turn from my Instagram page to the caller screen. 'Mum' showed up in big letters on the screen. I clicked the green call button and pressed the phone against my ear.

"Hey darling, how are you?"

"Hey mum, I'm great thanks. What about you? Is Joshy okay?"

"I'm amazing, but yes, Joshua's fine. He started 1st grade as you may know."

"Oh right, wish I would've been there his first day." My voice saddened as I thought about how much I have missed of my little brother's childhood.

"You need to come visit soon, we haven't seen you in 2 years Sarah." I could hear her voice sadden as well.

"I know mum, but Edinburgh is 7 hours away and I don't have the money or time to get there right now."

"Okay I get that, but please know that we all miss and love you."

"Even Frankie?" I asked in disbelief.

"Even Frankie." She reassured.

"I don't believe you. That cat hates me and you know it." I smiled, earning a laugh from my mother. "I gotta go, love you, bye."

"Love you." She said before I hung up.

When the screen returned to Instagram, I remembered what I was doing. I clicked on 'accept' before drinking my coffee.


I continued my day as usual. Writing on my assignments for tomorrow, meditating and showering.

When I was done showering, I wrapped towels around my body and hair. I opened the closet and picked out a black t-shirt that I could sleep in.

Before laying down in bed to sleep, I put my phone on the nightstand and charged it. The phone beeped, indicating that it charged and I soon fell asleep after that.


I woke up by my usual alarm ringing at 6.50 AM. My eyelids felt heavy as I opened them and my head was aching. My throat felt dry, so I sat up in bed and stretched a little before making my way into the kitchen, puring some water into a glass. As I drank the heavenly liquid, my throat started to feel normal again and my head stopped hurting as much.


As I walked in the hallway of school, I felt eyes on me. Why were they all looking at me?

When I passed one of my friends, they looked at me with angry eyes, almost like they knew I was hiding something, which I didn't.

"Why the hell haven't you told me?" He said with an angry voice and jealousy hidden in his eyes.

I looked at him like he was some sort of circus animal that had escaped and was now trying to talk to me. "What are you talking about?"

"Stop acting like you don't know."

"Seriously, I don't know what you're talking about and why everyone's staring at me, but I know for a fact that I'm gonna be late for psychology class if I keep standing here with you."

I continued to walk down the hallway to where the classroom was. Right before I could open the door and get inside, my friends gripped my shoulder and showed me something on his phone. It was an article about Robert Pattinson following somebody.

"Huh?" I furrowed my brows, trying to piece together why that had anything to do with me.

"It's your username."

My eyes widened when he said that. I reread the article and now realizing that they were talking about.. me.

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