Chapter 2

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"This is insane." I said as I ran a hand through my hair. How could this happen? This must be a dream. I pinched myself lightly on the arm as I closed my eyes, ready to wake up in my bed. Nothing happened.

"What are you doing?" My friend asked me.

"This is a dream." I pinched myself again, but harder this time. "Why isn't anything happening!"

"I don't know what you're on, but one thing I know is that a super hot actor is following you on Instagram and you have the audacity to keep it from me."

"George, please! I didn't even think much of it."

"You didn't think much of that a literal celebrity is following your private instagram account?" He looked at me with wide eyes. "How did he even find you!?"

"I don't know! He probably pressed 'follow' on accident."

"Whatever, let's go to class or else we'll be late."


Someone poked my shoulder from behind me, making my turn my head back in annoyance and confusion. Samantha Baker looked at me with a smirk while reaching over her desk to get closer to me. A sigh escaped my lips as she parted her lips to say something.

"Can you say some nice about me to Robert? I've had the biggest crus-"

"I don't know him!" I snapped, making everyone's eyes turn to me, even our professor's.

Our professor, Mr. Carlton, cleared his throat. "You're ruining the class for everyone else, Ms. Walters. Please be quiet or exit the classroom."

A few giggles was heard from around the class, making my cheeks blush. "Sorry, sir. I'll be quiet.. Sir."

Mr. Carlton sighed before turning around to his white board and continuing to scribble some psychological words on it.

When I turned around to quietly apologize to Samantha, she was seated normally again and gave me a death glare. She mouthed the word 'bitch' at me while smirking.


Me and George watched Harry Potter and the goblet of fire on my TV while eating pasta.

"I cannot believe that that's the guy who follows you." He said with a sigh when Robert was in frame as Cedric.

"Can we not talk about him right now?"

"Fine." He formed his lips into a line. "But I still can't believe-"

"George!" I raised my voice, making him look at me with wide eyes.

"Right, sorry."

"Let's continue to wa-" Was all I said before I got interrupted by my phone ringing. I paused the movie while putting my bowl of pasta on the coffee table in front of me.

"Hey mum, what-"

"Why haven't you told me that you know Robert Pattinson?"

"For the love of god, I do not know the man!" George looked at me with a raised brow.

She was quiet before speaking up. "Well why are the news talking about you two then? They say that you're together-"

"What? Why are they saying that?" My heart started beating more and more.

"I don't know? They're just saying that it's a rumor going around that you two are together."

I sighed loudly. "As I said, I don't know the man."

"Okay I believe you, goodbye honey."


I hung up the phone and put it next to my bowl with the screen facing up. My head was aching from bith stress and confusion. Why do they think I'm together with Robert?

"I assume that she have heard the news." George said after a moment of awkward silence.

"Mhm." I mumbled. "Did you know that there are rumors sparking around about me dating him?"

He looked at me with wide eyes. "No.. Is it true?"

"Of course it isn't." I sighed.

"I think you should reach out to him and get some questions answered." He said, putting my phone in his hand and motioning for me to take it.

"How?" I asked while taking the phone.

"You follow each other on Instagram?"

"Right." I bit my lip.

I unlocked my phone, pressed on the Instagram icon and then began writing a DM to him.

@/arah_s (me): Hey Robert, I'm a little confused as to why you started following me? I assume it was by mistake, and I am deeply sorry for all the new rumors going around.

While waiting for a response, we continued to watch the movie.


After some time, George had left and I was alone again. Robert hadn't answered my DM yet and I was starting to lose hope that he would even read it.

The stars were shining bright on the dark sky, it was pretty. I tossed and turned for a while in my bed, not being able to sleep. All that I could think about was the rumors and why he even started following me.

Hope that everything will calm down after a while.


My eyes opened quickly as I felt something poke my arm. It made my heart beat 10x faster than it normally did.

"Woah, calm down." George said, gathering books from the desk next to me.

I fell asleep in school, dammit. "Hey, how long have I been sleeping?" I yawned and stretched lightly. My back cracked a little, making tensions in my bidy loosen up a little.

"The last 40 minutes. You're lucky Mrs. Clarke didn't notice."

"Oh." I said as I got up from the uncomfortable chair.

We both got out of the classroom and went down into the almost empty hallway. The only people that were seen in the area were three students and one teacher. As we walked a little more, we finally got to the next class we were supposed to be in, but we didn't have to go in for another 5 minutes, so we stood outside with our backs on the walls next to the door. Right as I oressed my back against the wall, my phone beeped. My prows pulled together as I saw the notification.

@/robertpattinson: Yup

What the hell did he mean with 'Yup'? And what am I supposed to answer.

George looked over my shoulder and his jaw fell slightly open as well as his eyes widened. He looked at me for quite some time before saying anything. "Yup?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yup." I repeated whilst entering the classroom. George followed tightly behind me, still having his expression the same.

We both sat down next to each other on black plastic chair while waiting for our professor to come. A few more students rolled in and sat down on the empty seats around the room. I rested my chin on my hand, trying to figure out what to respond to 'Yup'. I unlocked my phone and started typing out a response, but deleting it as soon as I was done writing it. George sighed at my actions before snatching the phone out of my hand and typing out a reaponse himself.

"George!" I yell-whispered to him, lightly punching his shoulder, trying to make him stop. He didn't though. Of course.

I bit my bottom lip in anxiousness about what he wrote. Let's pray that he doesn't say anything embarrassing.

"Here." He said as he handed me the phone back.

"Wha-" Was all I said before reading the text.

@/arah_s (me): Let's meet up so we can talk about it. I'm available tomorrow at 4 pm. Message me for the location. x

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