Chapter Seven - Easy Is The Descent

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"Enervate," Ginny whispered, and Hermione's eyes fluttered open.

For a moment she looked dazed, her eyes reflecting stars and moonlight, and then she sat up and clutched at Ginny. Startled, Ginny nearly fell over, but hugged her back. "It's all right, you're all right," she said.

Hermione continued clutching at her arm, and Ginny saw that the glittering in her eyes wasn't the reflected night sky after all, but tears. "Is he gone?"

Ginny replied flatly. "He's gone."

Hermione released her hold on Ginny's arm. A number of emotions flickered across her face - hope, grief, longing, confusion. Gratitude.

"I'm glad he's gone," Hermione said, fiercely.

"Right," said Ginny, standing up and reaching out a hand to pull Hermione up after her. "Come on, up you get."

"Okay," said Hermione, and bit back a sniffle. She raised up her hand to take Ginny's, and asked, "Did he say anything? Did you see him before he left?"

Ginny sighed. "He didn't exactly-"

"Never mind," said Hermione, quickly. "Better I don't know."

Ginny bit back the urge to speak sharply to Hermione, who was beginning to look tearful again. It was odd, she thought, Hermione had always been not just older, but so together, competent, and controlled than Ginny had always been a bit jealous. Now that she seemed to have been reduced to a wreck of her former self, Ginny found herself feeling less jealous than desperate to have the old Hermione back again. The old Hermione would have known what to do. This one just wanted to sit on the ground and blub about Draco.

Ginny thought that if Hermione said one more thing about Draco she would shake her until her hair frizzed up again.

She helped Hermione up to her feet just as Harry and Ron burst out of the shrubbery and into the clearing. Both boys were out of breath and covered in leaves and twigs. Ron spoke first. "Hermione, you all right, we heard you yelling-"

"I'm fine," said Hermione, turning to look at them. "I'm fine."

Ginny saw the look of panic on Harry's face replaced quickly by relief, which was replaced by something else - a blank sort of still look. She glanced over at Hermione, who wasn't looking at Harry and had missed the interplay of emotions on his face. Then she looked back at Harry. Why doesn't Draco ever look at me the way Harry looks at her? she thought suddenly. It isn't fair.

"Where's Malfoy?" asked Ron.

"He's gone," said Hermione, in a thin voice. "He flew off."

Ron swore, and kicked the trunk of a tree.

Harry shook his head. "I can't believe you just let him go," he said, not looking at Hermione, but quite evidently speaking to her.

Hermione's expression darkened. "I did not let him go. He knocked me out."

"He's still gone," said Harry, glaring at her. "Isn't he?"

Hermione glared right back.

Ron looked from Harry to Hermione, then rolled his eyes. "Oh, yes, let's start sniping at each other about whose fault it is that Malfoy's finally buggered off like he's been trying to do all day anyway.

That'll be productive."

"Wait," exclaimed Ginny, eagerly, and turned to Hermione. "The Charm - we can use it to find him!"
Hermione shook her head. "He took it with him."

"He took it?" echoed Ron in disbelief. "Why? Why would he do a stupid thing like that?"

"I think it's pretty obvious why he took it," said Harry, sounding weary. "He doesn't want us to be able to find him."

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