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I went to the company i just went in and asked the person

E-give me the keys to Jacob

He gave me the keys so i went up to him and i knocked and then he opened the door and looked at me

E-Hey we need to talk care to invite me in to your office

J-elijah mikealson no your not getting in here

E-mhm well let me in


E-oh well just a reminder this is a public place so i can just step right in

J-oh shit

E-sit down so i dont have to kill you

He sat down

E-you know hayley lockwood?

J-yes i gave her a apartment 7 months ago

E-well where does she live

J-i can give you her adress but she probobly have moved since then because she probobly have moved on i mean new apartments and stuff

E-just tell me the fucking adress

J-brookham 56

E-ok then

I looked him deeply in the eyes

E-forget you ever had this conversation and forget about the mikealsons

And i walked away brookham street i come

I arrived there i knocked


Hayleys pov

I heard somone knock and then i saw trough the peeking Hole first i saw a suit and it was elijah what what no that cant be true i hided in the cabin in my door and locked the bedroom door

E-ok then im comming!
He broke down the door

He looked at every corner of my house expect the room i were in the end of the hall he broke down the door and then i walked slowly to the bathroom him suprisingly dont seeing me he went in the bathroom i turned away so he couldnt see my stomach


H-can you just turn away for a little bit

E-whats going on

I slowly turned around

He looked shooked he had his mouth open a little bit and just standed there shooked while looking at my stomach after a while he looked back up at me


H-yes and if you dont wanna keep it its ok you dont need responsibility for it but its my choice and im keeping it

E-how could you not tell me?

H-if you were in my position you wouldnt tell yourself

E-im going to be a dad?

He sounded a little bit happy

H-elijah please leave me here he dosent deserve this life with vampires and all that shit i dont want him there

E-you cant take me away from my kid

H-elijah i cant have him with niklaus and vampires and death wishes and witches

E-im sorry hayley but if i have to cuff you up kill 3000 peoples sacrifice my own life for him i will.

H-im sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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