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Nishtha Moretti:
16 years old, the main character

Evelina Moretti(Evie):
9 years old, the adorable little sister

Aarohi Jacobs:
Nishtha's mother

Antonio Moretti:
Nishtha, Evelina and the boys' Father

Aiden Walker:
Aarohi's boyfriend and Nishtha's stepfather

Augustus Moretti (August):
27 years old, the eldest brother

Elonzo Moretti (Enzo):
24 years old, the second eldest brother

Gabriel Moretti (Gabby):
21 years old, the third eldest brother

Henrick Moretti (Henry) and Kendrick Moretti (Ken):
18 years old, twins

Leonardo Moretti (Leo):
16 years old, the youngest Moretti brother

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