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Hyper Dimension, Planeptune

We then see an empty room as if no one was around. But suddenly, the light was brighten the room. As the light fades, we then see Neptune, Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Marx standing there and said.

Neptune: I've arrived in the Hyper Dimension! Woo hoo!

Marx: So this is Hyper Dimension, huh? Well this dimension sure is interesting, right fellas?

Kirby: Poyo.

Said Kirby, while Bandana Dee nodded saying yes.

Neptune: Yep, it sure is once you see the rest of this place.

Neptune: But wait, this isn't the time to celebrate! Histy! Histy, it's an emergency!

Neptune: ...Um, wait... Histy...?

Neptune: That's weird. She's usually in my face as soon as I walk in, barraging me with a weird combo of "Welcome Home" and random lectures...

Marx: If I have to guess. Maybe she's probably late or something.

Neptune: Maybe. But I doubt that's the case.

Neptune: Heeey, Histy! We're heeereeee!

Kirby then look a Histoire who was lying on the floor unconsciousness and said.

Kirby: Poyo, poyo!

Neptune: What is it, Kirby?

Neptune, Bandana Dee, and Marx look to where Kirby was looking at and saw a passed out Histoire.

Neptune: Holy Crackers! Histy's passed out! Hey, Histy, are you alright?!

Neptune: Yipes! She's burning up!

Histoire: ...Oh... Nep... tune... Welcome... home. I'm glad... you made it... safely... back...

Neptune: I'm not that important at the moment! Right now, I'm just worry about you! What happened??

Histoire: It is... most embarrassing... But I tried... my best... to accomplish a task... far above... my specifications...

Neptune: Oh, Histy... you were doing this for us...?

Kirby: Poyo?

Histoire: By the... way... who are... these... creatures... that are... with you... and... where is... Nep... g...ear...

Histoire then passed out.

Neptune: Wha?! Did Histy just short circuit?! Why isn't she getting back up?! Oh, no, no, no, no, what up the heck should I do?!?!

???: Jeez, Nep, what's this racket about? You haven't even been back five minutes and you're making a scene. You should at least come say hi first.

Neptune: Iffy!! You have incredible timing!

This person that Neptune was talking to has a pale brown hue and has a length that reaches down near her waist. She has sharp, green eyes. On her head is an accessory called a "Leafy Bow", which consists of two green leaves on the left side of her head. She wears a loose, large, blue coat with silver buttons and trimming that is worn open and looks like it's many sizes too large for her to wear. Being too loose for her, the sleeves reaches through her hands. From the shoulder to the elbow level of the sleeves is an orange lightning bolt with white trimming. On each side of the bottom of the sleeves are buttoned-on black cuffs with silver trimming. And her name is IF (or Iffy as Neptune likes to call her that name) the member of Planeptune's Guild and a friend of Neptune.

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