Searching for the Patch (Part 1/2)

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Hyper Dimension, Planeptune

They were continuing their search for the Patch around Planeptune as Neptune said.

Neptune: I'm a normal everyday CPU who, at the moment, is making a mad dash to gather information.

Neptune: If I were to say how I'm different, it's probably that I change looks drastically before and after I transform... My name's Neptune.

Neptune: And these are my new friends name Kirby, Bandana Dee, and Marx.

Kirby: Hiiiii!

Neptune: We came all the way out here to this park, searching for information on an item that would save a shorted-out Histy.


They were now in the park as Neptune continues to speak saying.

Neptune: As I casually glanced aside, I saw a young man sitting alone on a bench.

Handsome Park Man: Shall we d... um... talk about it.

Neptune: I don't really understand how, but I've ended up having a conversation with this handsome loser of a man. 

Neptune: So what is it that you want to talk to me about? Depending on the topic, I might report you.

Handsome Park Man: Please rest assured. I'm sorry, but you land quite a ways outside of my strike zone.

Handsome Park Man: What I wanted to speak to you about was the CPU of this nation, Lady Neptune.

Handsome Park Man: From what I've heard, lately she hasn't shown up for public services, and she's shut herself up to play around.

Handsome Park Man: On top of that, her chest hasn't developed at all for a few years now. She's flat as a board...

Neptune (Sweatdrop): That last point aside, maybe she's had some extenuating circumstances out of her control? 

Neptune: You know, she might have been sick, or had to go far away for work.

Handsome Park Man: I suppose it could be thought of that way, too.

Neptune: I bet you're the kinda guy that takes what's written on the internet at face value! That's why you're so suspicious of the CPU. 

Handsome Park Man: H-How did you know...?

Neptune: You have that kind of look about your face. But you shouldn't believe those kinds of groundless rumors!

Neptune: A great person once said it's difficult to go on (using a forum) without being a person capable of seeing through lies.

Neptune: I think you should have a little more confidence in your own convictions.

Neptune: It often happens that malicious people spread strange rumors for fun, you know!

Handsome Park Man: Y-You're right... I'm sorry. Thanks to you I've opened my eyes.

Handsome Park Man: I'll be taking my leave now.

The Handsome Park Man took his leave and Neptune said.

Neptune: Whew... I had no Idea what would happen when he criticized me by name, but I guess these things turn out alright sometimes.

Neptune: But jeez louise, who is it?! Who's posting weird rumors about me online?!

Marx: Umm, Neptune? Can we come out now? 

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