Chapter Two: Ramen with a stranger

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A bit away from the Nara compound a perky blonde was making his way to ichiraku for his favorite ramen. He had saved up so he could get himself 3 bowls and he was showing his excitement on his face. Usually he'd have to wait until someone treated him for him to get a big meal but today was different. He didn't wanna explain his agreement with the third to tsunade, so it was pretty hard to keep up with rent when all he did was D rank missions. But he would have no room to complain once he was stuffed with ramen!

Naruto's eyes were closed and he was humming the ramen song he made up when he bumped into a familiar genius. Literally. Once the blonde realised what happened he quickly got up and reached out a hand to help Shikamaru. But what he saw shook him to his very core.

Shikamaru's eyes were dead.

The quizzical dark brown was replaced with distant and pained eyes and he didn't bother hiding it.

When Shikamaru looked at his asulter he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the obnoxious blonde that stood before him. He made eye contact and for an instant, he saw an unidentified emotion cross his face. It was gone as fast as it came, being replaced by his usual stupid grin.

"Sorry Shikamaru, wasn't looking where I was going" the blonde said in his usual loud chipper voice while scratching the back of his neck with the hand that wasn't stretched out

*Shika POV*

I took his hand hesitantly and gave him a once over. He always surprised me with his height, his demeanor often made an impression of someone at least 5', but in reality he's always been short and skinny. I've never really took notice of Naruto, aside from acknowledging his rather complex pranks and playing with him every once in a while back at the academy, but that was just because Choji liked him. I liked his eyes though, they were bluer than the sky and I liked to look at them. Not that I would stare at him because that would be weird and give off the wrong idea. He never really smiled a nice way either, showing all his teeth, which were oddly sharper than Kiba's, and squinting his eyes shut. His smiles were overeager and oblivious to how terrible life actually is. Which is quite odd considering how bad I've seen the villagers treat him.

When I start to think about it, there are quite a few oddities about the blonde. 'How was he blonde and an Uzumaki? Where are his parents? Why do all the adults treat him like garbage? Why does he only have one outfit? Why does he prank so much? How does he get away with it every time? How is--'
I was cut off when Naruto hooked his arm around my neck and pulled me down to his eye level.

"Hey, I know this is kinda awkward could you treat me to lunch? Missions have been kinda slow and I can't really afford it..." he whispered so only I could hear him

Now there were more questions. 'Why did he need missions to supply him with food money? Why weren't his parents feeding him? Why did he ask me of all people? When--' I was cut off again when Naruto dragged me into the ramen shop singing his gratefulness.

As I was plopped in a chair I decided to ask my first question of many. "Why aren't your parents feeding you?"

He chuckled as a response, which annoyed me before I started connecting puzzle pieces in my head and--


"You haven't figured that out yet?" Naruto chuckled as though this were a cheeky puzzle.

"...sorry Naruto, I-" I began but was yet again cut off.

"What're you apologizing for? I don't even know em', so its fine. I'm just surprised it took the Nara genius so long to figure out." He mocked

"Well sorry if I don't waste my time thinking about the backstory of a random kid" I spat, sounding more rude then I meant to.

Author POV

While he didnt show it, those words hurt Naruto deeply, as he considered Shikamaru to be his closest friend. While this was quite a stretch it isn't like the average kid spared a second glance to Naruto if they weren't beating him up.

Naruto just laughed it off, pretending he didn't just get verbally throat punched, and then a waitress came and broke the slight tension.

"Hello Naruto, what can I get yo-" she cut herself off at the notice of the other child, his eyes reminded her of Naruto after all the nights dragging himself to the shop, bruised and broken, just to ask for food.
She shuttered at the thought, before directing a smile toward the other boy. "Hello, you must be Naruto's friend, my name is Ayame, what can I get for you two?"

"I don't want anything" Shikamaru grumbled, sinking deeper into his chair

"I'll have one miso ramen and..." Naruto trailed off, thinking. "One small beef ramen with extra broth for Shikamaru." he added, in his usual happy tone. "Thank you very much, Ayame-san!"

Ayame quickly left before Shikamaru could argue.

"Oi, I'm not hungry, I'm just here cuz you dragged me here"

"Yeah, yeah, I promise I'll pay you back"

"How'd you even know how I like my ramen? I've never eaten with you before"

"Lucky guess" Naruto chuckled, grabbing a pair of chopsticks.

"Well next time don't order for me" the Nara grumbled, also grabbing a pair of chopsticks.

'Next time' Naruto thought, 'that sounds nice.'

After a few minutes Ayame returned with the ramen. Naruto ate slower than usual to make sure Shikamaru ate at least a bit. But he stayed subtle, only glancing to the raven periodically.

Once they were done eating, Naruto pulled out the money he was gonna use for himself, putting it on the table, thanking Ayame and dragging Shikamaru out of the shop before the Nara could get a word in.

"Oi, what the heck Naruto?" A thoroughly frazzled raven sputtered when they left the shop. "Didn't you say you couldn't afford food?"

"Heh, well its plain and obvious you haven't eaten in days, there's nothing in the news about Itachi coming back for the Nara's so you wouldn't have eaten anything unless I tricked that kind heart of yours" he said with a foxy grin like he'd just won something.

"So your saying you tricked me into getting treated to lunch" Shikamaru said exasperated.

"Worked like a charm" he said proudly, putting his hands behind his head he started walking.

Shikamaru had no clue as to why, but he followed slightly behind the odd blonde, seeing as he had nothing better to do. Naruto was chatting with the Nara like this was a normal occurrence, talking about the weather and current events and Sasuke being distant and how amazing Sakura was. Shikamaru noticed the things around them, or more, the way the villagers looked at him. Their glares were disgusted and afraid, a few mutters of "demon" and "monster" reached his ears. Shikamaru was certain Naruto heard them too when he started loudly humming his ramen song and avoiding the buisier streets. The song got stuck in Shikamaru's head, it may have been stupid, but it was catchy. Naruto suddenly whipped his whole body around to face Shikamaru.

"Wanna see something cool?" Naruto questioned, with another foxy grin.

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