Chapter 4

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Hermione pov

The night of the ball

The girl's changed in the heads dormitory while the boys changed in the Slytherin common room. It took the girl's two hours to get ready with doing each others hair and makeup They all decided to go in separately rather than together because it would be obvious with who's under the mask if we are seen together since they were the largest group of friends in the whole school. Ginny went first, then Astoria after that Daphne then Pansy and me. When I entered, I was amazed at what they had done to the great hall it looked better than the design during the yule ball. It was a starry midnight design. I simply just walked up to Blaise and asked him to dance with me because I didn't want random guys to claw at me for attention. I just wanted to enjoy a good time tonight and have fun with my friends.

I am guessing Blaise doesn't recognise me because he was continuously flirting with me until Ginny came up to us asking to switch partners. I took Theo, and she took Blaise. It continued like this for me for the rest of the night, me switching partners and having a lot of fun. After I danced with Harry and he tramped my toes one to many times, I went to the refreshment's table to go get a drink. Then Ron comes up to me, not knowing it's me under the mask and starts flirting with me, trying to get me to leave with him and go somewhere quit. He kept on trying to pull me away from the great hall, telling me he wanted to show me a good time. I tried to push him off and get him to just leave me alone syncing words don't comprehend for him, but he keeps refusing to leave me and won't budge. Then a guy comes towards us, pushes Ron off me, and pulls me towards himself. Ron falls to the ground, and the guy who helped me ask me if I am, okay? I responded with a quick nod and asked him to dance with me as a thanks for saving me from Ronald.

He nods in agreement and pulls towards the dance floor with him. We started dancing to a slow song called "Recognise me".

We were getting to know each other better by asking questions like favourite hobbies, which house we were from, greatest achievements in life, and even our plans for the future. He was quite charming to speak with and have an actual conversation compared to most of the boys I danced who I didn't know from behind the mask who only flirted me while dancing . How come I have never met this guy before without the mask.

Cedric Pov

Once all the boys and I entered the great hall, we realized the girls hadn't shown up yet, so we split up to talk to different people. Harry and I were just talking about the newest portion to fix injuries that players get for quidditch in under three minutes so the player can return back to the game in no time. When the doors opened, revealing the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her dress matched the design for the ball. It was midnight shade blue. I followed her every step with my eyes and saw a walk up to Blaise and asked him to dance with her. I knew it was Hermione because she was the only one with brown curly hair like hers and those brown hazel eyes.

The moment I bumped into Hermione that day on the train, I knew I was in love with her. As she danced with Blaise, I noticed he was making her laugh a lot. Merlin, her laugh sounded so sweet and alluring I could listen to it the whole day and never get tired of it. I watched as she made her way to the refreshment table to get a drink, then that Weasley boy came over and started to interfere with her, and he tried to make her leave with him. She was trying to push him away, but he just couldn't take a hint.

I went up to them pulled Hermione towards me and pushed Ron down to the ground and asked Hermione if she was, okay? She nodded as a response with a small smile and asked me to dance with her as a thank you from getting her away from Ronald. I happily agreed and led her to the dance floor. We danced to a few slow songs, finding out more about each other throughout the night. As I learned more and more about her, I found myself falling more deeply in love with her with every word she said.

It was almost midnight, which means I would have to reveal myself to her in a bit. As a fast-paced song starts to play, I start spinning Hermione around, making her laugh uncontrollably. We danced like this for a while, not leaving any space between us. Our bodies connect like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly for each other. I wish this moment could last forever, where I could hold her in my arms forever and never let her go.

2 minutes before the clock could strike midnight. I pulled her body against mine in a tight embrace. I could see her cheeks heat up in a blush from the side of my eyes as I whispered in her ears.

" Mia, I have been enchanted with you from very the moment I laid eyes on you when we bumped into each other on the train, it was like you put me under a spell that made me instantly fall in love with you when I looked into your hazel eyes." I looked down at her to see her face in shock and confusion, but most of all, I saw love in her eyes. Love that I hope she will share with me for the rest of our lives.

The clock strike's twelve, and I removed my mask, keeping my other hand against her back so she'd know that I want her to know who I am under the mask. As I removed my mask, I never broke my gaze from hers. When she realizes it's me, she is dancing with her face blowing up in shock, then softens when I put my hand on her cheek.

I gently removed her mask, placing a tender kiss on both her eyelashes. We danced to the next few songs together with her hands around my neck and mines around her waist in content with each other's presence. Knowing that we accept each other, and we would face all the challenges that our future brings together.

 Knowing that we accept each other, and we would face all the challenges that our future brings together

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