Chapter 9

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Hermione pov

For the past two weeks I stayed away from the great hall and chose to eat in the kitchen with Cedric, Blaise and Draco. Sometimes Ginny and Harry would come over but the rest of the time they would keep an eye on Ron to see if was gonna try anything on me. 

Alice tried to give Cedric a bag of sweets yesterday which we handed over to headmistress McGonagall because it did have Amortentia laced in them. Ronald keeps on trying to get my attention but I always had one of the girls with me. My friends would refuse to let me go anywhere alone. Draco would accompany me during my patrols before bedtime. Harry would accompany me with Blaise and Theo to my lessons in the afternoons and the girl's would take turns in the morning depending on what classes we had together. Cedric was always on alert and Harry and Draco would spend all there free time with him.

By now most of us were tired of having to be on high alert all the time that we couldn't wait for the Christmas holidays to come any sooner

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By now most of us were tired of having to be on high alert all the time that we couldn't wait for the Christmas holidays to come any sooner. Thankfully tomorrow we all leave for the beginnings of our holiday, Cedric and I decided to leave by the Hogwarts train we would be sitting in the Slytherin section so Ron and Alice won't be able to bother us while we were on the train.

 Thankfully tomorrow we all leave for the beginnings of our holiday, Cedric and I decided to leave by the Hogwarts train we would be sitting in the Slytherin section so Ron and Alice won't be able to bother us while we were on the train

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Harry and Cho Chang started dating last week when Harry had asked her on the trip to Hogsmeade to be his girlfriend. 

Theo and Luna are also dating now I still don't how that happened and I know Ginny and Blaise have a thing going on between them but they are to afraid to take another step forward in their relationship

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Theo and Luna are also dating now I still don't how that happened and I know Ginny and Blaise have a thing going on between them but they are to afraid to take another step forward in their relationship. Draco and Astoria are developing feeling for each other. Blaise, Theo and l made bets on when they are gonna actually start dating. 

As I was thinking of all the good things that happened this year Cedric comes up from behind me and puts his arms around me in a tight comforting hug he knows I am being stressed out about thinking of the fact that I have to see all my cruel family members in two days time.

He began to rub my back in comforting circle's as we sat down on the sofa in front of the fire just sitting in a comfortable silence thinking about all the fun memories we have together and the memories we will make in the coming future full of happiness and love. 

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