I'm New

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{Catrina's POV}

I woke up, my eyes struggling to adjust to the light. "CATRINA ROSE! YOU'LL BE LATE IF YOU DON'T HURRY!" Dad shouted from downstairs. "I'M HURRYING!" I shouted back, scrambling to get ready.

 "I'M HURRYING!" I shouted back, scrambling to get ready

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I put my chestnut hair in a messy bun. I was almost considered a red head, but not quite. I put on mascara and a light amount of blush. I didn't usually go crazy with makeup.

I hurried down the stairs. "I gotta get to the hospital, sweetie, but there's pumpkin bread on the kitchen counter. Have a good first day." "You too, Dad. Go save some lives." I smiled, waving. I went to grab a slice of pumpkin bread, quickly getting my backpack. I sighed at the thought of having to walk.

It was a very damp morning. The air was moist, and it was most definitely gonna rain at some point. I ran out the door, walking at a quick pace. School wasn't far, but it wasn't necessarily close either. When I had made it to the school parking lot, I let out a breath of relief. I still had 15 minutes to spare.

I felt the stares of people, making my nerves act up. I looked around, hoping to see a sign to point me in the direction of the school office. I saw a girl, and who I'm guessing was her boyfriend walking towards the doors. You got this, just ask them where the office is.

I took a deep breath. "Uhm excuse me? Hi, sorry. I'm Catrina. I'm new, can you tell me where the school office is?" I asked, rather shyly. The guy in sunglasses looked down at me. "Walk down the hallway, and it's the first door on your left." The girl said softly. "Thank you." I said.

I went to the office. "You must be Catrina Vernon! Welcome!" The lady at the desk cheered. I smiled politely. She handed me my schedule and a map of the school. "Thank you." I said, giving her a slight wave.

I heard the whispers from the other students. I found my locker, putting in the combination. "Uh, hey. You must be Catrina." A boy with blonde hair said. "Uhm, yeah." I said softly, nodding. "I'm Mike. Mike Newton." "Oh, hi." I said.

"Do you mind telling me where the art room is?" I asked. He smiled at me, taking the map and showing me where to go. "Thank you, Mike. I'll see you around?" He nodded quickly, "definitely."

I went to the art room, walking up to the teacher. I handed her the slip. "Ahh, Catrina! I'm excited to have you in my class. I've seen some of your work, it's magnificent!" She beamed. I blushed lightly. "Thank you, Ma'am. Uhm, is there a certain seat you'd like me to sit in, or?" She shook her head. "Sit anywhere you'd like." I nodded with a soft smile.

I looked around, and all eyes were staring at me. I went to the back seat, sitting next to a girl with spiky black hair. I set my backpack on the floor. "Hi, I'm Catrina." I mumbled a greeting to the beautiful girl next to me. She was undoubtedly the best looking one in the class. She was perfect.

"I'm Alice." She smiled. I smiled back, already warming up for her. Art passed rather quickly, Alice and I didn't talk much like I had hoped. English passed by in a blur. Ah, lunch. My nerves started to pick up again, who the hell am I supposed to sit with?

I looked around, and once again the whispers had started. I let out a soft and nearly silent groan. "C'mon, you can sit with me. I'm Eric." A guy said, putting his arm around me. I cringed. "Okay, first off, don't touch me. Second off, I think I'm gonna pass. Because, I don't know you, and you just creeped me out." I said, shrugging his arm off of my shoulders.

"Excuse him, Cat." Mike said. "Don't call me Cat." I said, quickly. Mike nodded, ushering me towards the table. There sat the girl I had asked directions for and a bunch of people I didn't know. "Did you hear the way she talked to Eric? Sounds like a bitch." A girl with blonde hair said.

"Lauren shut up." Mike said quickly. "I'm Jessica." A girl said. I smiled, waving. "Sorry I didn't say hi this morning. I'm Bella." The familiar girl said. I sat next to her. "I was new a few months ago." She whispered to me. "How long will everyone be whispering?" I asked. She laughed lightly. "Depends if you get a crush on anyone right away."

"I don't usually have crushes." I mumbled. I glanced at the table behind her. And I saw the most beautiful people. Alice was sat among them. 3 boys and 2 girls. "Who are they?" I asked. "I recognize Alice, and the guy you were with this morning."

"They're the Cullens. The one I was with is Edward. Alice is with Jasper. And Emmett is the one who looks like he could crush just about anything. And Rosalie is the one looking at her reflection." Bella explained. "You and Edward look good together." I complimented, looking back at her.

She smiled, glancing at him. "Yeah, he makes me happy." I giggled lightly. "Do you want some of my French fries? I won't finish them." I offered. "Thanks." She took a few, putting them on her plate. "Wait Mike, do you think I should try to hug Cat again?"

"Oh yeah cause that's a smart idea." I mumbled sarcastically to myself. I heard Bella stifle a laugh. I glanced back at the Cullens, Emmett was objectivity good looking. No doubt in my mind. "Is Emmett dating anyone?" I asked Bella. "I thought you said you didn't get crushes." She retorted jokingly.

"Having a crush and thinking someone is handsome, are two VERY different things." I said. "No he's not." She shook her head. "Of course she's already eyeing the Cullens." Lauren said bitterly. "Did I do something to her?" I asked quietly. "Probably not." Bella answered, eating another bite of her pizza.

I turned, getting up and throwing my trash away. As I turned to go back to my seat, I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" I asked the girl, helping her up. "No, no. I'm okay. Sorry about that. I'm Angela." I smiled. "I'm Catrina. And I should have looked where I was going." I assured her.

"I love your sweater by the way." I said. She smiled, "thanks." I heard a cough behind me, almost a choke. It was Emmett. He was holding his nose.

"Uhm, are you okay?" I asked. He shot me glare, quickly walking away. "Oh yeah nice to meet you too, really nice talking to you." I murmured. Angela had already left. I walked to History class, walking up to the teacher and handing him my slip. "You can take a seat next to Emmett."

My breath stopped, great. Fantastic. Perfect. I internally groaned. I sat next to him, and he scooted away, nearly... gagging?

What the fuck was his problem? I was getting fed up. "Do you not like my perfume or something?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. He looked at me, his eyes jet black. He didn't respond. "Okay, forget I said anything." I mumbled. I felt slightly embarrassed by his reaction.

I slumped in my chair, opening my sketch book. I started working on something, not exactly paying attention to the teacher. Emmett pushes my books slightly away. I rolled my eyes, I picked up my books, shoving them in my backpack. "If you have a problem with me, please vocalize what it is. Because this is dumb. I'm sorry if I somehow.. offended you? Or something." I said, irritated by his behavior.

When he just stared at me, I rolled my eyes again, and went back to sketching. I felt kinda bad for snapping at him, but he was being rather rude. I couldn't wait to get home and play the guitar or piano.

The bell rang, making me scramble to get all my things packed up. I had two more classes and then I could go home. Bella and Edward were in my Biology class. "Hey Catrina." Bella greeted. I smiled, sitting at the table in front of them.

"Hey, Edward. Did I do something to make your brother hate me?" I asked. He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowing. "I wasn't aware he hated you." He stated. "Well, he looked like he was gonna throw up, when I sat next to him. I asked him if it was my perfume, he was acting as if I smelled bad. He just glared at me." I explained.

"It's not you. Don't worry." Bella said, making me and Edward look at her.

"He's complicated." Edward mumbled. "Oh, yeah that's helpful." I said sarcastically. I leaned back to sit on my stool, but my ass landed on the floor. "You didn't see that." I said, quickly getting into my seat. Edward stifled a laugh, earning a playful glare from me.

Now, what was Emmett's problem?

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