Angel and I haven't visited Earth for two months now because I've been busy with King stuff.
I've been noticing that Angel isn't that happy. I'm not sure why. She's been staying in bed a lot and not coming out of the room. My mother and I check on her when one of is busy.
I finally got the whole day off from working. That was the time to get answers from Angel.
I walked out of my bathroom to see Angel sitting up in the bed holding a book.
"Hey beautiful," I said walking towards her and sat on the bed next to her feet.
She looked at me, but she didn't smile.
"Whats wrong?"
"I don't feel good Steve," she said closing the book.
She looked at me for a bit then she got off the bed and ran to the bathroom.
I went after her to make sure she was okay.
She started to puke in the toilet. I looked away.
"Angel love, are you okay?" I said still looking away.
I heard the toilet flush and looked at Angel. Her skin wasn't glowing like before, it was, peeling.
I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Your skin is peeling," I said touching her face.
She looked in the mirror, she looked confused.
"Is everything al-" my mother said walking in to the bathroom then stopped to look at Angel.
"Angel, are you okay?" my mother said coming closer.
Angel shook her head no.
"How long has it been since you two have been to Earth?"
"About two months, why?" I said.
"She needs to get down there."
I looked at my mother.
"I'll take her," I said letting go of Angel.
Angel grabbed my hand, I looked at her.
"I'll go myself, it might take awhile for my skin to get back to normal," Angel said.
"Promise me that you'll be back," I said pulling her close to me in my arms.
"I promise," she said.
That same day Angel went down to Earth without Steve.
Angel knew something wasn't right.
Angel's POV
When I got to Earth I went to the island that I was born on. Luckily my sister Crystal was on the island.
"Crystal!" I yelled.
She looked at me and ran towards me.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Crystal, somethings not right," I said.
"Where have you been?" Crystal said letting go of me and looked at me.
"You need to swim Angel," Crystal said grabbing my arm and taking me to the water.
I didn't stop her, I knew I had to swim to get better.
When the water was up to my waist I went in to the water and changed in to my mermaid form.
When I was out of the water I threw up blood again.
Something wasn't right.
My skin was peeling, and I'm throwing up blood.
I needed answers, fast.
"Your with child," a voice said behind me.
I looked behind me to see my mother standing behind me worried.
"What?" I said taking two steps towards her.
She looked me in the eyes and came towards me.
"You need to stay here for a few months Angel," she said putting her hand on my stomach.
"Why?" I said putting my hand over hers.
She was silent for a moment.
With child, I thought to myself. Then I realized that I was going to have a baby.

Coming To Earth
Teen FictionIt's the start of all special ones and how they came to Earth. All monsters looked like humans but no one new they came from Saturn.