Chapter 2: Not Him

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It's 3 more days till they celebrate their 1st anniversary as a couple but as the busy people they are, they are at work. Jasper went to office early to fix things he needed and asked one of his employees to drive Danielle to the office.

Danielle woke up to the time when Jasper usually wakes her up to a call from him.

"Morning Mine" He said as she answered the call.

"Good Morning, Mine. Where are you? Why aren't you here?" Danielle asks as she got up from bed and into her walk-in closet to gather her outfit for the day.

"I went to the office early for work, Mine. I just called to wake you up. I know you don't have an alarm clock anymore since you disposed your alarm clock a couple of years ago." He replied.

"But you're my alarm clock" She pouted.

"That's why I woke you up" He stopped typing and smiled at her girlfriend's possessiveness. He didn't mind though, he found it cute actually.

"Why did you have to go to work so early? What's more important than me?" She asked as she took a new towel from her shelf. Every 11th of the month, she always changes her towel.

"Mine, I just had to do something. I sent Harold to pick you up. I made breakfast and hot chocolate at your kitchen. I'll see you here okay? I love you" He answered typing again.

"I love you too. But you better explain to me what's so important in the office or else your dead meat." She said in her warning tone. One time, when they were not yet a couple and Jasper was still courting Danielle, Jasper made a surprise birthday party for Danielle so he had to keep her away from him. He avoided Danielle and Danielle got mad so she ignored Jasper for 3 days and only talked to him the day of her birthday party at her office. Danielle didn't like things being kept from her.

"I promise. I love you, Mine." Jasper said while chuckling. He ended the call so Danielle could get ready for work.

She finished showering and dressed up for the day. When she walked to the kitchen, she smiled to herself as she saw Jasper prepared her French toast and his own recipe of hot chocolate. No matter how busy Jasper was, he always finds time for Danielle and that's what Danielle admires from Jasper; Danielle first, everything else later.

She got to the office and immediately went to work. A few hours later, her secretary entered her room with a letter with her. She thanked her secretary and continued doing what she was doing. Something caught her eye that stopped her from reviewing business proposals. She noticed the letter; it had a very familiar logo. It had the WWE trademark printed on it as the return address.

She reached for the letter and read it carefully. Apparently, WWE Inc. wants to have a partnership with them so they can use all of their stadiums all over the world freely.

She immediately asked her secretary to send Jasper to her office.

"Yes Mine?" Jasper said as he saw her. He entered her office and made his way behind her swivel chair. Danielle stood up to hug her boyfriend and she kissed his cheek.

"Sit down, Mine." Danielle ordered as they pulled out from the hug.

"Wow. Am I in trouble?" Jasper joked.

"Well you are because you didn't wake me up personally this morning. But anyway, here. Ask the board members to be here after lunch for an emergency meeting. " She handed him the letter while he sat down on the chair in front of Danielle.

"Did you see this already?" She asked him, pertaining to the letter.

"Not that I can remember. What is it?" He asks taking the letter from her then reading it.

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