Chapter Three- April

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I glanced around at the other booths but mostly at my phone as I continued waiting for Jordan. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around, tucking my phone back in my pocket. Of course Tom Holland had to come over and greet me for some reason, just my lucky day. What are the odds? I looked at him in disdain as I rolled my eyes.
   "Uh, hi, I'm Tom," he stuttered nervously.
     I was shocked that it was him, not because I was secretly a desperately-in-love fangirl or anything like that (like that'll ever happen, and I give anyone around me permission to shoot me if it does), but because he of all people was wanting to talk to me for some reason. Man, that boy seriously has mental issues. I sighed and internally groaned at his dumb introduction, wanting to crawl in a hole and die because I thought I had been lucky enough to escape his presence.
      "Wow I never would've guessed," I sarcastically stated, letting out another eye roll.
      "So I was watching you from over there and I noticed you aren't coming over." he stuttered, causing me to eye roll in agony.
      "Wow, creepy stalker much?" I muttered under my breath but loud enough to hear.
      "Nononono I just-" he started to say, but my mind grew tired of hearing his voice that so many girls think is 'hot' so I instantly tuned him out.
        My thoughts went elsewhere and when I looked back he was just staring at me, his skin becoming glistened with sweat by every passing second.
     "Oh yeah mhmm," I started to say, attempting to convince him to think that I actually had the time to listen to what he was saying.
       But, before I could, he did something unspeakable that only made me despise him more, which I didn't think was possible. He kissed me. My girl side sort of liked it but my sane side boiled to the brim with anger. When he pulled away I gave him a good slap across the face and a piece of my mind.
       "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" I screamed, questioning everything that just happened.
        I started noticing that the press was gaining interest in our little scene and was starting to run over, but I didn't care enough about his pride to stop my rightful act of anger.
       "Sorry I just thought-"
       "WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG!!!" I yelled.
       "How dare you think you can just go around thinking that all girls long to be kissed by you and having the courage to do it to ones you don't even know the names of! And who just goes up and kisses someone without knowing anything about them? ABSOLUTELY NO ONE! Not EVERY girl on the planet longs to kiss you, get that through your VERY thick head!!" I shouted angrily, nearly on the verge of a complete breakdown.
        I couldn't take another second of looking at his now beet-red face. By now, cameras and microphones are all up in our face, blinding me with their flashes and nonstop questions.
        As I hmmp'd and attempted to push through the crowds of swarming reporters that were constantly bombarding me with questions, I turned around to tell him one last thing.
        "The name's April by the way, not that you care." I grimaced, using my arms to squeeze past the bustling crowd.
         I found Jordan waiting for Tom to come back to sign her picture because she was the next in line and grabbed her by the arm.
        She kept stuttering, "Why were you talking to Tom?!" and "How were you talking to Tom?!" over and over like a broken record, which only made my scowl larger.
        But I just kept pulling her without answering, the anger towards this 'esteemed' celebrity making me absolutely speechless and blind with rage. Plus, the press coming after us might hear and we wouldn't want that.
         ~ ~ ~
       I walked down the shiny airport floor that led to the gate I was dropping Jordan off at.  I was not able to get Tom's stupid face out of my head, despite how many times I had unsuccessfully tried to shake it out.
     "Promise me that you'll send me all those pictures you took!!! You can leave out the ones with Tom, especially after the uh, 'incident'," I whispered nervously, looking around to see if any press had tracked me down.
     "Of course!! And you KNOW I'm not leaving out the Tom ones, I know you secretly love him," she snorted, causing me to forget my quietness.
      I let out a loud laugh at her hilarious statement. "HA! AS IF!" I chuckled, genuinely finding humor in her untrue statement.
       "You're really funny Jordan..." I slapped my knee, still giggling from what she said.
       "Well, you better go, you don't wanna be late for your flight," I smiled, embracing her in a hug.
       "Yeah, it's better that I be early than late. It was soooo good staying with you, April! I wish you'd move back to Omaha! Why did you have to move to LA anyway?" she asked, already knowing the answer.
         I let out a sigh. "You know how it happened Jordan, when my parents got divorced, my whole life seemingly fell apart. I needed a new start, and LA offered me one." I shrugged, leaving it simple.
       "I know, but we miss you back home!" she cried with sad yet hopeful eyes.
       "I miss it a lot too ya know, but I come back to visit a lot so that makes it better!" I smiled gleefully, trying to cheer her up.
      "I suppose," she started to say but was cut off by the loudspeaker, announcing that plane 501 was boarding.
      "Oh that's my flight! Thanks so much for everything, April!" she called sincerely as she rushed towards the gate that had just been announced after giving me a rushed hug.
        I let out a sigh. I was sad to see Jordan go, but happy that I still get to see her when I do. She and all my other friends live back home, so I'm the only one that moved. I'm kind of considered the black sheep whenever I go back there, even though they're still my friends and love and support me. I still feel left out because I'm not up to date with everything that's going on in their lives.
          My thoughts clouded my head as I walked to the airport Starbucks I saw while coming in earlier. I pulled out my phone and saw that Jordan had just now sent me all the photos and videos. I clicked on the album and instantly reminisced on all the memories that we made during her stay here.
          My eyes glanced over my phone and I saw a worker standing there, ready to take my order. I got an Venti iced mocha and as I pulled out my debit card to pay, I saw an arm come across the side of me, handing the worker their own card.
        "She's with me,"
          As soon as I heard the voice of who was speaking, I realized I was living in one of those freaky, too-fake-to-be-real moments, yet it was somehow real in a super freaky way. I groaned and let out a sigh, my eyes rolling towards the ceiling.
        "Not you again, Holland," I turned around reluctantly, not seeing the point because I've already seen quite enough of him during the past few days.
          All I've been viewing on my news feed, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and even Snapchat is, "Mysterious girl gets cozy with Holland at local LA ComicCon". I was getting sick of it. Pictures, videos, news articles, nicknames, and even fan art circles my phone at every moment! Scratch that, I was sick of it. Now I'm just downright mad at the whole situation. I rolled my eyes and let out another long groan while tilting my head back in agony.
       "What are you doing here?" I asked in disgust, not wanting to know the answer.
       "Catching a flight, getting coffee, guess you could say the same." he said with a glint in his eye that I did not like.
       "No. I was dropping a friend off. The only true part of that is that I'm getting coffee, and I can do that on my own thank you," I scoffed, grabbed my purse, and maneuvered my way around him, bumping his arm forcefully in the process (not that I did that on purpose or anything...pfft...).
           I walked over to the waiting area and sighed as he followed me like a stray puppy, coming over to where I was standing. I pulled out my phone as a distraction and scrolled through Instagram.
        "You know, I saw you and came over to apologize. I really am sorry for what happened, I never intended to do anything like that. It just happened. I didn't know what to do," he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.
          I kept scrolling, eyes never leaving my screen. A news article popped up of Tom and I kissing and I sighed while reporting it as 'spam', like I do with all the others.
         "You know what Tom? I don't have time for this and your childish apologies. All that matters is that you did it, it happened, and I'll eventually live it down. News in the world will eventually change and even though it seems like it's going to take absolutely forever, it'll go away. All that matters now is that you stay out of my life and I stay out of yours, and I'd appreciate it if you left me to do that. Now, I'm going to go to the bathroom, unless you want to follow me there too, which would be an extremely interesting yet questionable news story to capture." I said and walked away, leaving it as is.
          He needed to go, and he needed to stay away. I didn't want anything to do with him, doesn't he understand that?! I finished up in the restroom and much to my delight, Tom was gone when I returned. I grabbed my drink and walked out, giving the barista a quick thank you and proceeded out of the airport.
           I found my car in the very large parking garage and got in. I set my coffee in the cupholder and as I did, my eyes noticed something odd. I picked up the plastic cup and let out a small laugh at the monstrosity written in sharpie that I discovered on the right side of my cup. In bright black sharpie, it read, "Please forgive me, Tom."
           I laughed in amazement at his inability to see the obvious. Why was he so bent on forgiveness? I wasn't really willing to give it based on the situation he put me in, which is extremely natural. I mean, he put down his phone number too. What the heck? Just leave me alone. Won't he ever get that sometimes things that happen just have to be forgotten before the rest of the world forgets it?

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