RPILOGUE- Chapter Three (finale)- April

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I was nearly blinded by the flashing cameras as I stepped out of the limo. I let out a grunt, flashing an annoyed glare at my husband.
     "Tom I thought they were only going to be by the carpet, not in my face the second I got out of the car," I said through a fake smile.
       He came over to my side of the car and grabbed my hand like a gentleman and helped me out of limo.
     "Yeah I thought so too." he sighed in a tone that was similar to mine.
     We stepped out onto the carpet, hand in hand, nearly deaf from the screaming paparazzi. The thousands of questions they were throwing at us at a mile a minute all bled together, but thankfully, I've been to one or two premieres with Tom before, not to mention the galas and award shows, so I've somehow enabled the ability to drown them out while still answering a question or two.
    When you think about red carpets, you usually don't think they take that long to walk down. You answer a few questions, pose for a few pictures and that's it. However, if you think that, you are very, very wrong. The carpet itself takes approximately three or so hours just to get to the center of it! All the pictures, pressured questions, and distractions take tons and tons of time to get through.
     Thankfully though we don't have a wild toddler to distract us too, on the red carpet of course, at home is a different story. Tom and I both agreed that we would keep our kids out of the spotlight until they could decide if they themselves wanted to be in it. Putting kids on the red carpet exposes them to ghastly things that even I don't want to be a part of. Even though I've slightly mastered the art of answering a question the way I want to answer it, not necessarily how they want me to.
      Two long, exhausting hours later, we finally reached the center of the carpet, leaving the photographers behind us with lots of pictures. Just like clockwork, the bulk of reporters started hounding us with questions. A lot of what we were asked were specifically pointed towards Tom but I got a few...interesting ones as well. But the real scandalous questions started being thrown at us a few moments later. I was doing a side pose when I struck silent by a certain question that was followed by many others just like it.
     "Mrs. Holland! How do you feel about Tom marrying you just because he kissed you at the 2019 LA Comic Con?" one brunette reporter asked, shoving a microphone in my face.
     My mouth dropped open in shock from hearing that question and I'm sure the photographers had a field day with the expression of pure horror strewn all over my face. Now, because I'm Tom Holland's wife, I've been asked a lot of rather odd questions but this one took the cake. I didn't know what to say or do, but I quickly closed my mouth and pretended everything was fine, until I continued getting similarly outrageous questions after I refused to answer the original.
    I stood my ground which was rooted in truth unlike that of the reporters that is only rooted in scandals and lies. I pretended to ignore them and kept posing for the people who weren't accusing me or my husband of awful exploits. I looked over to Tom who was a few feet away from me and he had a similar expression of covered up shock just like mine. I tried to focus on only the photographers but reporters are like flies, only getting pestier the more you shoo them away.
   Most of the interviews that I've had have been enjoyable because to my surprise, I earned the fan's love soon after my relationship with Tom became public. But I suppose that among the 'good' press there's bound to be some bad kinds. They kept nailing me with question upon question about 'how I felt about marrying Tom', especially when I kept ignoring them. I had had enough. Usually I would've outdone the bothersome reporters and pretended they don't exist just to annoy them but this time the questions got to me.
  To them they were 'innocent questions' that 'the public wants to know the answers to', but to me, it was a full-on interrogation. They must've sensed my courage fading and confidence being drowned by their inquiries because now they only started to target me and took all their focus off Tom. I panicked, I have to get out of here! I walked over to Tom and whispered in his ear.
   He quickly proceeded to walk down the carpet and through the crowd of reporters and photographers with my hand in his. We didn't even stop to take additional pictures and when I told him the coast was clear, he only kept walking towards the end of the carpet. I would hurriedly ask why he wasn't stopping to take pictures but he always said that they had more than enough for their own good. We finally reached the end at record speed and he grabbed a strong drink to ease the anger away. He pulled me behind a wall in one of the tents that was free of people and looked at me with heavily worried eyes.
  "What did they do? What did they ask you? Are you ok?!" he quickly asked, obviously extremely concerned.
     I took a deep breath and smiled, so incredibly happy that those reporters were wrong. I leaned in and quickly kissed him, letting all the stress out of me. As we parted, I let out a sigh and hugged him, his polyester jacket rubbing against my cheek.
   "I am now." I smiled and released my arms from around his neck. The look of worry and concern was still painted across his face despite my efforts to comfort him.
   "Are you sure?" he asked compassionately while holding my chin with his thumb and index finger, rubbing it sweetly.
   "I will be, thanks for getting me away from all the buzzing paparazzi." I smiled and took a swig of my ice-cold water that refreshed my sense of being.
   "Of course, that's happened to me, it just gets too much after awhile and I usually have Harrison 'drag' me away," he grinned and gave me a kiss on the cheek, holding onto my waist with his left hand.
   "Just give me a signal when you're ready to head home," he whispered into my ear as he drew away.
   I gave him a small smile and nod that showed I cared, not wanting him get away from his career that easily.
  "But it's your premiere-"
  "But you're my wife, April, which is something that is much more important to me than a silly premiere. Not to brag or anything, but I'll probably have more of them and I can afford to leave early just this once," he winked and left me speechless because of his kindness.
  "Did I ever tell you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me?" I grinned, wrapping my hand tighter around his.
  He smiled and took a swig of his drink while putting his hand on his chin and playfully stroking it, pretending to think deeply.
  "Hmmmmm I would say at least ten times on, you know, that one day where we said 'I do' and all that, and on every day in between, give or take a few where we'd fight of course," he replied coyly, setting his drink on the table next to us and wrapping both his arms around my waist, looking deep into my eyes.
  "Well really, you are," I grinned, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
  "Ditto. I love your dress by the way. I've never seen that one on you, it really does show off your best features. And the hair, I love the hair," he smiled, gesturing to my look.
    It was a little but elegant black, off-the-shoulder dress that had a small but very noticeable sweetheart neckline. My hair, however, was down in curls but had a small twist towards the top.
     I waved my hand, "Oh, pfft, this old thing?" I asked playfully, pretending to blush.
  "Oh hey guys!!!" Tom greeted to some people that were obviously behind me.
     I spun around and gasped at who was standing right in front of me. I let out a small squeal as I gawked at the fact that the actress I've seen in movies and TV shows was right before my eyes.
  "Zendaya?!" I peeped like one of Tom's fangirls, my eyes bugging far out of my head.
  "In the flesh...colored dress." she paused and laughed, causing us to do the same.
   My mind flew at a million miles per hour while I was in her presence. She looks so distinguished! Do I look ok?! I quickly looked down at what I was wearing and let out a sigh of relief.
  "I don't think we've formerly met, which is crazy because of how much time Tom and I spend on set but by how much he talks about you it feels like we're best friends," she laughed as I let out a nervous giggle and looked at Tom, who was beaming because he knew I had been watching Zendaya since her Shake It Up days.
  "Haha we can be ifthat'sgoodwithyou," I grinned as I smushed the last part all into one word, trying to hold back a wave of screams that were inching up my vocal chords. Now I was really giggling nervously and by Tom's hand wrapping around my waist, I knew I had to calm down.
  "She's a fan," Tom laughed as I managed to catch my breath and maintain calmness.
  "I got that," she grinned and held out her arms for a hug.
   I smiled and hugged her, trying not to burst out shrieking: I'M HUGGING ZENDAYA! I'M HUGGING ZENDAYA! I'M HUGGING FREAKING ZENDAYA!!! My mind repeated this like a broken record and after the hug was over, my brain switched to past tense.
  "Oh and hey, sorry I couldn't make it to the wedding, I really wanted to go but I had a shoot in Milan," she apologized sweetly as we parted.
  "No worries! It's just still so cool to meet you after all this time," I waved her off while beaming, unable to stop grinning like a stupid chimpanzee.
  "I'm here too you know," an annoyed voice groaned behind Zendaya.
  "Oh hey, Harrison," Tom greeted, looking past me.
  "Oh, is that someone calling my name? Because I can't hear them over all this loneliness over here," he dramatically sighed, looking behind him and ahead of Tom, pretending he wasn't there.
   "Drama queen much, Harrison?" Zendaya grinned, letting out a jokingly distasteful sigh.
  "Wooooow," Tom laughed, rolling his eyes at his best friend.
  "Hey mate, how are ya?" he smiled, causing Harrison to give up his little act and embrace Tom.
  "Good," he laughed, stepping away.
  "Hey April, how are you?" he smiled and gave me a hug.
  "I could be better, the reporters asked some insane stuff," I replied with a shiver that was accompanied by a sad tone.
  "You just gotta ignore 'em, hun," Zendaya answered sweetly, brushing it off with a wave of her hand.
  "I know, I know, I usually can but the questions they were throwing at me every two seconds...," I cringed, letting them know how I felt.
  Tom wrapped his arm around me and let out a sigh. "Yeah, they really got to her," he said regretfully as he rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.
  "I'll make 'em pay," Zendaya jokingly threatened and beat her fists together, making us all laugh.
  "Oh, April can handle herself, I've seen it firsthand," Tom smiled as he bragged about me for about the millionth time.
   I was about to agree but I suddenly caught myself off guard by stopping myself short. Could I handle things myself? I mean, I've done it before, but there's a new sense of vulnerability that I couldn't explain. It was as if fear had taken control of my whole being, suffocating me with every thought. My chest became heavy while my heart started to beat faster and faster, telling me that I was about to have a panic attack. A wave of sudden emotions swept over me and I turned to Tom, who could immediately tell something was off from my now glassy eyes.
  "Honey what's-" he started to ask, but cut himself off by seeing my welling eyes.
  "This is the signal," I whispered, keeping my eyes on him.
  "I need to go. Now," I shuttered, on the verge of a breakdown.
  He turned around to the others with the same worried face I wore, and they looked like that too when they saw my expression. As if there weren't enough people, two familiar faces strolled over, stopping when they reached where we were standing.
  "Hey guys," Sam greeted while his twin waved, turning their heads towards Tom and I.
   Concern flooded their confused faces as they saw mine, immediately becoming concerned.
  My mind buzzed with anxiety as they continued staring at me with worried eyes, trying to see into my soul to view what was going on.
  "April, what's wrong?" Harry asked caringly, putting his hand on the side of my right shoulder while peering straight at my pale face.
    I looked back at Tom, telling him with my welled-up eyes that I was unable to speak.
  "We'll see you guys in the auditorium," he told the others while grabbing my hand, pulling me through the new crowd of people.
  When we made it through the cavalcade of guests, including swarming paparazzi that kept bombarding us with questions, we got to the auditorium where the viewing of the movie was being held early and found the seats assigned to us. We sat down and before I knew it, I burst into tears. What is going on with me?! I'm always the tough one! I never break down or cry at public events, or even really at home really...unless...
  Tom interrupted my train of thought that came to screeching halt right before he spoke.
  "Love, what is wrong with you??!" he asked worriedly, sheer concernment in his tone as he looked into my eyes.
  "I DON'T KNOW! I mean I kind of know- but not really, and not for sure, and I don't-"
  He stopped the rapid motion of my vocal cords by wrapping me in a hug, rubbing my back compassionately as he always does whenever I break down, which always makes me feel 100x better.
  "I don't know what's going on," I got out semi-clearly as I continued sobbing into Tom's suit, feeling guilty for doing so but knowing that he didn't care at all.
  Thankfully we got here early before anyone else did, except a few sound guys. "It's ok, sshh, it's ok, I'm here," he cooed into my ear, smoothing out my hair as he drew back into his seat. He looked into my eyes as he wiped the mascara droplets mixed with tears from my face with his thumb.
  "I really don't deserve you." I said though a sniffle, letting out a small laugh.
  "Well, if I didn't get a girl that hated my guts then I'd have to surrender to one of the crazy fangirls so you can imagine how eternally grateful I am to have you." he giggled, causing me to let out smile.
  "You have a point," I chuckled, which was led by a few moments of silence.
  "So really, what's wrong? I know the reporters bothered you, but what were they asking you?" he asked, reminding me that I had forgotten to tell him about the things I was asked by the reporters.
    I let out a sigh and sniffled before I answered, knowing all that they said were lies while still breaking down my self-esteem. I looked up at him, then back at the floor, afraid to make eye contact.
  "They basically just asked me how I felt about you guilt-marrying me," I told him matter-of-factly, glancing back up from the floor only to meet his sorrowful gaze.
  "Oh, love, I-" he started to say before I cut him off.
  "Don't worry I know it's all fake and just stuff they made up to make a decent scandal," I stated, able to finally brush it off.
  "But the thing that actually bothers me is that I couldn't hold out any longer," I admitted, still pondering why I was unable to stand my ground as I've always done.
  "It eventually gets to everyone, no matter how stubborn or hard-headed they may be, you don't have to be ashamed of anything." he smiled, looking deep into my eyes.
  "Thanks, Tom. Sometimes it feels like I'm not cut out for this life, all the fame and paparazzi, but you're always there to remind me we can get through anything together," I smiled and nudged him lovingly with my leg.
  "You got that right, and I'll always be here to tell you that," he told me comfortingly, holding my hand with his left one and softly rubbing my knee with the other.
   Before we knew it, celebrities started pouring the room from all directions, signaling that the movie was about to start. I was in awe of all of them, until I realized what I looked like.
  "OH MY GOSH MY FACE!" I whisper-yelled to Tom, quickly standing up and nearly running to the bathroom.
   I peered at myself through the large bathroom mirror as I dabbed at my mascara with a makeup remover wipe that I got from the bathroom attendee cart. Seriously though, what is wrong? I never let down my guard when the paparazzi gives me a hard time, and I never cry if something unexpected happens. I'm great at keeping my cool, what's going on? Is it that? It can't be. I mean, it can be, but I can't see how. I shook my head to get out my current thoughts and examined myself in the mirror one last time before heading back out.
  When I got back to my seat, I discovered that the one and only Nick Jonas was sitting next to ME. My eyes bugged out a tad at the sight and as Tom looked at me and saw the starstruck expression written all over my face, he rolled his eyes, knowing perfectly well that I was inwardly freaking out. But I managed to keep my cool, and gave a slightly high pitched (but not enough to really notice), 'hello' as I sat back down in my seat. I silently slapped Tom wildly in his forearm at least half a dozen times to prevent my inward screams from seeping out.
  He finally stopped me by moving his arm while letting out a noiseless snort as he looked at me. The movie started about a half hour later after Tom and Daisy went up to give small speeches on their experiences making the movie. I wasn't surprised to hear that some of the stories were quite comical, mostly because my goofball of a husband was one of the stars of the film.
  As the movie started and the room became dark, I turned my head and looked at Tom proudly as he presented yet another film, and still possessed the same amount of humility and humbleness that he had before he was a big star.

                                   ~ ~ ~
   "Oh my gosh I've never been more glad to take off my shoes," I exasperated as I let out a sigh of relief, throwing my heels on the floor next to me and collapsing on the couch.
   Tom flopped down on the spot beside me, absolutely exhausted like I was. It was nearly three in the morning and it was evident that becoming parents had taken a tiring toll on us.
   "I did not expect the after party to go on for THAT long." he groaned and rubbed his face exhaustively, causing me to let out a yawn.
  "Me either, I can only take a certain amount of partying before I crash, and that was before I pushed your son out of my body," I laughed and snuggled into his side, closing my eyes and releasing a deep sigh.
  "He's your son too," he defended, letting out a chuckle.
  "Whatever, I'm just saying that I suffered more than you," I stated matter-of-factly, entwining my hand in his as I received a small laugh in return.
  "And I am absolutely partied out," I sighed, breaking the short moment of silence between us.
  I rested my head on his chest while looking up at him, then closing my eyes again.
  "I am soooo glad the maid put Adam to bed, I do not have the energy to chase him around for ten minutes," I sighed, extremely relieved.
  "Me too, it gives us an opportunity to do something we haven't done in awhile," he laughed, causing me to groan at what I thought he was implying.
  "Honey there's no way-" I told him honestly, letting out an unbelieving laugh as he cut me off.
  "No, I meant getting a good night's rest," he laughed, making me let out an additional sigh of relief that that wasn't what he was talking about.
  "Oh good, that however, I am totally down for," I smiled, sitting up straighter while still being curled in his arms.
  "But getting up, that's the problem," I dreadfully admitted, and when I attempted it, I fell back into Tom's arms again, letting out a grunt.
  "It's-so-much-WORK!" I said, taking a breath in between each word with each effort to get up.
  "Maybe if we both get up together, that'll work," Tom sighed and grabbed my hand, allowing both of us to successfully stand up.
  "Ugh standing is so much worse," I groaned, letting out a small laugh.
  "Let's just go to bed," he yawned, leading the way to our room.
  As we were stumbling tiredly to the bedroom, I stopped for a second, sighed, and rubbed my face.
  "Hey Tom, I think I'm pregnant," I told him out-of-the-blue in an exhausted tone without batting an eye, continuing my journey down the hallway, leaving him shocked and confused.
  I walked in the bedroom, starting to take off my jewelry when I heard the door shut behind me. It was obviously my husband so I didn't think much of it until I felt strong hands wrap around my waist and pick me up. I let out a soft yell/giggle and begged Tom to put me back down until I felt the soft cushion of our bed hit my back. I looked up and Tom was over me, smiling very widely.
  "You're pregnant?!" he asked happily, his eyes spreading wider than his grin.
  "I mean all signs point to it." I told him honestly, looking back up at his face excitedly.
   He flopped down on the spot beside me and let out an exasperated sigh.
  "I'm going to be a dad," he smiled as I rolled my eyes.
  "Tom, you're already a dad," I laughed, releasing a sigh.
  "I know but I'm a dad 2x now!" he grinned while letting out an excited giggle that made me do the same.
  "It's not confirmed buuuut I have a high suspicion that it's true," I laughed and rolled into his side happily.
  We fell asleep like that, absolutely in awe of each other, so excited to start this journey of ours together, again.
   I've never been so happy to be wrong about someone.

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