Chapter 12: Chatter

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A month had passed since the attack on the festival in Un. All of the gods were on their toes, each one of them worried about there being a another attack when they least expected it. No one was able to sleep peacefully, too afraid of what might happen while they slept. Kirishima was also worried, but for a different reason. His mind was worried about what had happened to Izuku back in Az and what Omega was planning to do with them in the future. He had no doubt that Omega was behind the attack at the festival and that he was not done with torturing them. Kirishima suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he ran into someone. "Jeez, I thought I was more noticeable than that." Kirishima looked around and saw Ashido standing right in front of him. Kirishima chuckled softly, "Sorry Ashido. I was lost in thought. What's up?" Ashido said, "What's wrong with you? You've been spacing out way too often these days." Kirishima said, "It's fine. I've just been worried about the state of things and any problems we might have. Well, bye." Kirishima walked off. Ashido watched him before she ran to meet up with Kaminari, Sero, and Bakugo. Kaminari said, "Hey, Ashido. What's up?" Ashido asked them, "Have you guys noticed anything wrong with Kirishima? He's been acting weird for a while." Kaminari hummed in thought, "Well, he has been acting different since his visit to Az." Sero said, "Actually, I heard from Shoji that the monster that attacked us at the festival was under the control of the God of Creation in Az."  Ashido gasped in shock. Bakugo began mumbling, "What kind of trouble is that idiot getting himself in?"

Meanwhile, back in Az, Izuku was fidgeting in his room. News of the attack in Un had managed to reach them. Izuku had been worried about Kirishima ever since he first heard about the attack. He wanted to ask Omega about the attack, but he lacked the courage to question the god. Izuku had asked others what Omega had to say, but, according to them, Omega was nowhere to be found and his attendants did not give any news on the attack. He even asked Hisashi if he had any premonitions, but the god had said that he had none. Izuku groaned and put on his shoes as he exited the house. He hoped that walking around would help him clear his mind and calm down. Izuku muttered to himself, "It's okay. Kirishima's okay. The woldf manch was brought back into Az long before it could actually hurt anyone. Everyone in Az is okay." Izuku stopped when he bumped into something. He took a step back to see that it was Final. Izuku was startled and asked, "Final, why are you here? Did something happen? Does it have to do with Omega?" Final said, "I just wanted to let you know that Kirishima is okay. For now. The two of you need to lay low and be careful. The God if Destruction is now aware that one of the gods from Un has crossed the barrier and he isn't happy. If both the God of Creation and the God of Destruction are out to get you, there won't be any room for mistakes." With that, the god disappeared, leaving a very concerned Izuku. 

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