Chapter 1 - Next Weeks Trip

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Some important things before you get into this fanfiction:
- This is about a normal school. No supernaturals or anything like that.

- Josie and Lizzie are not twins or even sisters in this book, they're just friends.

- Lizzie is Penelope's younger sister.

-Landon and Hope never dated and Hope never was interested in Landon. :P


Josie's POV:

I woke up to my alarm. It was 6:30 am Monday morning and I got up to get ready for school. I did the same thing I did every day, have a shower, get dressed, brushed my teeth, went downstairs and had breakfast then headed to school.

I got to school ten minutes before class started. Walking to where my friends, Mg, Lizzie, Rafael, Caleb, and my girlfriend Penelope. Lizzie and Mg were already here, they had been dating for almost a year now, Lizzie was Penelope's sister so I was very close to her. I had been dating Penelope for just over two years now. Penelope and Mg were in a year above us and they were really good friends, that's how Lizzie met Mg.

"Hey Lizzie, hey Mg!" I said walking to them.

"Morning Josie." They both said in unison.

"Where is your sister Lizzie? Is she here yet?" Penelope was known for being late from school.

"Is she ever here on time?" Lizzie laughed.

"True." I laughed.

"Where's Rafael?" Rafael was normally the first one here because she didn't get along with her parents.

"He headed to the library, he has a test after lunch so he wanted to study." I chuckled.

"Because he needs to study." Rafael was the smartest one out of everyone, he was just naturally smart, he didn't have to study to pass. (Because I said so. It's my fanfiction!)

Just as I finished talking Caleb arrived. He was really smart too, he and Rafael would be talking about the geeky things and the rest of us would have no idea what it was.

We all sat down and talked about our weekends until the bell rang.

"See you guys at lunch." I headed for my first class which was English. I wasn't too fond of English, I actually didn't really like any classes that much.

English had been going on for about twenty minutes before someone entered the room. It was Hope, she came from a wealthy family and she was part of a more popular, tougher group. Their group wasn't like popular girls and boys club you see in some movie like mean girls and boys though, they weren't really girly girls who strutted the halls in tight dresses and showing off their designer handbags, They were sporty and tough, sometimes getting into fights. I didn't really know her and hadn't spoken to her before. Her being late was nothing out of the ordinary though, she kind of just did what she wanted.

"Hope, You're late." Our teacher Ms. Forbes said.

"Aww, you don't sound surprised miss." She said taking her seat up at the back.

"I'm used to it." Ms. Forbes replied before continuing on with the lesson.

People like Hope annoy me. Just because her family is rich shouldn't mean that she should get special treatment, if I turned up late I would probably get detention straight away.

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