Part one

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Oh my God I'm exhausted. was worth it. I stand back and get a good look at my latest piece. I started it 3 weeks ago, but the last 2 days I've been like a woman possessed. Sometimes it's like that, the inspiration, the muse if you like, just takes over. I've barely eaten, I can't even remember the last time I slept. But now I can.

My phone buzzes and I know immediately who it is. Me "Hey babe." Callie "Hey you, just checking you're still alive." I let out a little laugh, well as much as my aching body will let me. Me "Yes I'm alive. You're timing's perfect actually, I just finished it." C "That's fantastic love! Does that mean you can socialise now?" I could hear the excitement in her voice. Me "Yes...but not tonight. I'm exhausted and all I want to do right now is sleep." She let out a heavy sigh. C "OK, I'll give you a pass this time. But only because I know you and you probably haven't slept in days." I smiled. I loved Callie, she was my best friend. One of only a few people I've let into my life. But right now all I could focus on was the leftover Chinese food in my refrigerator and my bed...Oh God did I want my bed.

Me "How about coffee tomorrow about 10.00 at the usual place. Then I may let you come back here and you can give me your honest opinion on my new piece." She let out a little squeel of excitement. Me "Ouch! Jees Cal, I'd like to keep my hearing if possible." She laughed,  C "Sorry babe, just can't contain myself." Me "Yeah, well can you try? least until tomorrow." I knew she was smiling on the other end of the phone. C "No promises." I laughed. Me "I'll see you tomorrow hun." C "OK, night babe." Me "Goodnight. "We hung up and I made my way slowly to bed, stopping to pick up the Veggie Chow Mein from the refrigerator. I managed two mouthfuls before the need to sleep overtook me. My dreams filled with images of metal and fire.

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