chapter 8: WTF!?

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Glimmers P.O.V (hehe)

Harry walked out and I sobbed into my pillow I felt something hard (NO dirty! NO eww NO  ewwwwww)

My dairy...

Entry 2
Hello once again
Its happening I liked someone only to be hurt
Harry styles.
Big mistake instead when i told him he said he liked me back and went and slept with who I thought was my best friend LIES!
Brooke was right im to ugly for anyone and anything

Untill next time  if there is a next time
~ Glimmer xx.

I dropped my pen and hid the book once again

Jordyns P.O.V (is this what you wanted or did you not really give a flying tuck?)

"They said..."

"J its okay breathe!" Liam said

"Positive... positive.... positive" I cried

"Oh j its ok its ok!"

"NO NO ITS NOT!" I screamed collapsing to the floor

"Should I text harry?" Liam asked

"Y-yes p p ple ease" I sobbed

Liams P.O.V

poor J she doesnt need this.

I grabbed my cell and texted hazza

Me: harry where are you!?

Hazza-poo: im busy.

Me: crying at the park? Bigger problems! Its jordyn. SO GET YO SKINNY ASS HERE NOW!

Hazza-poo: WTF!? is she ok!? Oh god shes not dead right!?
Fuck im coming!

Me: no harry shes not dead but hurry and watch your mouth or ill wash your mouth out with soap!

Hazza-poo: good and NO NOT THE SOAP! please not again! It tastes yucky!

Me: hurry up!

"Hes on his way its ok," I say hugging jordyn

"Tell niall im sorry." She cries

Two minutes later...

Harry bursts though the door

" WTF is wrong?!" He says

"Harry im... and... yours...." she cant say it so I have to

"Shes pregnant.  Harry and its yours."

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" A irsh accent screams


"Oh hey niall....." I say awkwardly

"DONT YOU HEY NIALL ME!" he screamed

"Harry? Why I thought you loved me!" Glimmer cried wait when did she come in ohhh with niall?

"Please stop!" Jordyn cried

"Shut up you bitch!" Glimmer screamed "I hope you die."


Like omg wtf glimmer!?

Sooooo hope u likie

If u did check out my other storys...





















Thank you you to are fabulouis!

Hehe xx

Byeeeeeeeeeeee xx

Btw I know this chappie sucks but typing on my cell is hard! Haha xx


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