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Emily was the youngest child of her parents.She always felt that she is an outcast because her features didn't match any of her parent. Her siblings had their own world so they usually ignored her. When she turned 16 she came to know that how she was a threat to her parent's life when she was inside her mother's womb. She started blaming herself for any of the bad deed that has happened in her home . So she started distance herself from her parents.

She forced her parents to sent her to a boarding school inspite of her parents continuous persuading to not to go to a boarding school. She left her home and entered boarding where she fell in depression and started writing poems to ease her depression.

When she passed out her school she went to a nice college to be a vetenerian. She never asked her parents for money. She used to gave tutions to the children. The money which her parents sent her was stuffed in her account. She also joined underground fighting club which gave her fair amount of money to save for her future. Her parents called her so many times to come home but everytime she gave them some excuse.

She never attended any of her family's gathering and functions. She ignored their calls and mettings whenever they came.

But then one day she got the news of the bad health of her mother. She flew to her home to her home. But when she reached there she didn't had any courage to meet her parents. And in reality she did not had any right to be. Her cousins told her harsh and mean words. She thought that her own family will say the worse to her. But when she entered there her siblings hugged her to death.

Her father hugged and kissed her forehead and didn't say a word. When she looked at her mom she cried a lot as if the pain inside her heart was coming out of her heart.

Then she felt arms of her father hugging her and then her siblings circled her and then her father made her sit on her mother's bed and said

"We saw your diary which you left and we are very sad to see that you thought that low of yourself. My child you are our princess and mean world to us. You are a miracle happened to us along with your siblings. And the fact that your mother was sick when she concieved you doesn't mean we hate you because its was our own personal decision to bring you to this world. And the fact you don't look like us because you look like your granny because you have got her beautiful features. And no matter what others say you mean everything to us"

I kept my head down and felt very ashamed of myself and didn't had the courage to meet their eyes.

Then I felt my mom's arms hugging me amd when I looked at her I started crying and said.

"I am sooo sorry. Please forgive me. I am the worst daughter. I hurt you all and still you love me. I don't want to lose you all . Please never let me go. I won't be able to live without you guys. Please forgive me"

My mother patted my back and said

"No need to say sorry because its our fault somewhere also that you felt like that . We are alao very sorry. Yesterday when I was going through you things I came across your journal and felt very sad. So we acted my sickness to call you. I hope you dont mind"

With that Emily knew her life was perfect and now she dont matter what other's say she will never leave her family because she knows that its never too late......

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