Chapter 1: Starting A New

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My Starting Notes

– I am just bored and happen to ship Harmony as I write this. Please don't attack me for my mistakes if anyone reads this.

– Beware grammar mistakes, my first language isn't English so I will make a good chunk of grammar mistakes as I go. I'm also not from Britain so excuse my american-esque style of writing.

– I will be basing and getting information heavily from the internet and the movies as I have not read the books yet. Sorry for that.

– Last but not the least: If anyone reads this, please don't hesitate to leave a review! I'll take any kind of review you throw at me.

That's all for my notes! Hope you enjoy reading the story! :)


It was after the war, but everything seemed to be normal. It was the start of a new semester at Hogwarts, one that would be Harry, Hermione and Ron's last, and every house was dining on their respective tables.

But then an influx of owls owned by the 7th years came rushing in and dropped off an new issue from The Daily Prophet.

This wasn't common. Owls never dropped an issue of The Daily Prophet for fun. It was an important and urgent matter that every 7th year student at Hogwarts needed to know.

Every 7th year witch and wizard started to read what was written on the article.


Starting A New: The Marriage Law

By Kingsley Shacklebolt

I know that most of you will probably look down upon me after reading this article. I deeply apologize for what you are going to see, but it has to be done.

I have established this law to repopulate as we have suffered a great loss of wizards and witches during the "Second Wizarding War".

The Rules and Guidelines for the Marriage Law are as follows:

; Wizards and witches ages 17 and above will have to find a Pure-blood/Half-blood partner within 1 and a half year.

; Failure to comply will result in an assigned partner given to the witch/wizard sorted out by the Ministry.

; Purebloods (male or female) can sign contracts to hold legal power over muggleborn witches/wizards.

; Once married, the couple must consummate a baby within 2 years, 2 times a week. If the baby has no magical powers, the couple shall try again.

; Failure to birth a child will result in a total memory wipe and banishing from the Wizarding World.

; Couples who will attempt to cheat the system will face immense consequences.

Again, I deeply apologize for the discomfort this may cause you, but it has to be done. We are in a dire need of wizards and witches and I do hope you will all understand our mission. Our offices are open for any inquiries on this matter.

Thank you.

- Kingsley Shacklebolt

"What the bloody hell is this? Is this even real?" Ron shouts angrily. It garners stares from some of their fellow housemates.

"Of course it is Ron, don't be daft." Hermione interjects while pointing at Kingsley Shacklebolt's name.

Ginny takes her eyes off the paper and looks at Harry, still distracted from eating breakfast, she alerts him and says worriedly, "Harry, would you mind picking up your copy and reading it? This is a serious matter!"

Harry then looks at Ginny, confused. He surveys his friends and his girlfriend and wonder what their confused faces are confused about. He picks up his copy of The Daily Prophet and jolts slightly at the name he saw; Kingsley Shacklebolt. What did he have to announce?

Harry reads and reviews the article like he would a textbook, and when he finally gets done reading it, he looks at all the other houses and sees their reactions and musings about the article. He starts to fill with rage. He had lost a good chunk of respect for the man.

"I understand why Ron's angry. I am too, now." He then clenches his free fist under the table, Ginny spots his hand and holds it to calm him.

"Professor Mconnagall s-surely has something to say about th--is, it-s-s a presssing matter." Hermione says, unsure of herself.

Right before any of the teenagers could converse, Professor Mconnagall steps up on the little platform in the Great Hall and silences the students in front of her.

"7th year students, I'm sure you've all heard about what Minister Kingsley has put into place; and I understand the noise being made and anger festering in your hearts, but I am deeply sorry, Hogwarts can do nothing but accomodate the couples that shall be established during the 1 and a half year period that the Ministry has given you all. I want to do more for you all but we do not impose any control on the offices at the Ministry. That's it for today, please finish your meals."

An audible discontent from the 7th years can be heard from all around the hall, especially for the trio and Ginny.

Hermione speaks up, still analyzing the situation, "Well, it wasn't really likely that Hogwarts or Professor Mconnagall would interject and do something serious about the law. At least they're doing something to accomodate the incoming couples."

"Guess we'll have to seek out change ourselves." Harry says, calming down.

"Yeah. That's right, we'll have to find a way to stop this law." Ron says in agreement. Ginny just looks and nods at them.


Hello! Thank you for reading the first chapter! There will be more to come :)

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