Chapter 4

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"Fuck." James shot to his feet as I approached.

He'd been there at the table, waiting for me as I was led across the restaurant. The whole place seemed to go silent as I glided past, and it was the first time in a long time that I enjoyed the power my body could hold over the opposite sex.

"Lovely to see you, too," I replied, smiling softly as his ironclad composure from earlier slipped somewhat. It was nice to know he wasn't entirely unaffected by my presence. It certainly wouldn't do him any harm to have a taste of his own medicine. My heart rate was currently thumping out heavy metal beats, and my chest did not appreciate the exertion, especially as it was heavily confined in tight black silk.

"What happened to the shy and retiring little mouse that graced my office earlier?" He recovered quickly, to give him his dues, but I had prepared myself for a barrage of questions.

Sitting down as our waiter neatly placed my chair underneath me, I said, "You were worried she wouldn't be able to stand up to your devious torments. I'm here to tell you she will." I took the menu that was being hovered near my head and offered a cheerful, "Thank you."

With a single finger, he pulled down the leather-bound menu that I was now hiding behind and waited for me to look up. When I reluctantly did, he shook his head. "That is not what I'm worried about. I think you will probably stand up to all I could dish out and more. Your ability to handle yourself during the session doesn't concern me." The piercing blue eyes searched my features as if trying to read my mind. One look at the determination in his expression and I was almost convinced that he would succeed.

"Then why am I here?" I pushed the menu back up so that my expression was once again covered. The man in front of me was far too perceptive, and I didn't want to give him anything more than I had to.

"Because I'm hungry and I like seafood."

The menu lowered again, because I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at that comment. "And?" If he thought he was a master of interrogation, he hadn't seen anything yet. I raised an eyebrow as he took his time answering my question.

"I also like pretty girls."

I couldn't help a snort at that one. "Oh, please. You can do better than that." If there was a touch of sarcasm in my voice, it was too bad.

"I think you're emotionally damaged."

His comment stole my breath away. How on earth had he been able to detect that from a half hour meeting? Looking at him steadily, without giving a clue as to my thoughts, I merely replied, "Aren't we all?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment, then frowned. "What happened?"

The menu shot up again, and it gave me a few precious seconds in order to compose myself. We were not talking about this here. As words like 'langoustines, oysters, lobster, and seafood bisque' blurred in front of my eyes, I blinked away the tears and inhaled slowly.

"If you don't tell me now, I'll get it out of you in the scene, and that will be harder for you."

I began to rise from my seat. "Are we having a scene, then? If so, I've had a lovely evening and I'll see you..."


James issued his commands with the kind of tone you did not ignore, and my body instantly obeyed, even though my mind rebelled. It was the story of my life.

"What happened?" His tone was softer now, as if coaxing me into thinking he wasn't really a monster, but I already knew that for a lie. This man was my worst nightmare and ultimate fantasy, all combined into one.

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