Chapter 15

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"Okay, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to unlock those handcuffs, and you're going to crawl to the bathroom to take a shower. Whilst under my instruction, you will crawl everywhere unless I give you orders to the contrary. Alain's girls work under the same principle, so it will be good practise. When you've finished, you can come join me in the kitchen where we'll go over your limits form. It's a bit soggy, but it's been on the radiator for the past couple of hours, so hopefully we'll be able to piece it back together. Any questions?" There was an annoying twinkle in James's eye that I didn't much like. As he leaned over me to release the cuffs, I had to resist the urge to gouge his eyeballs out. He was well aware of my struggle. His lips didn't stop twitching the whole time that he was bent down over me.

"Do I get a cup of coffee, Sir?" The instructions didn't seem like much fun, but I hadn't expected anything less. I also knew that things around here were very tame at the moment. He was going to open my eyes to a whole new world shortly, and the choice I faced was sink or swim. Sinking wasn't an option I could live with.

"Only if you wiggle your ass on the way out."

"I can do that." I hit the floor rather hard in my scramble to get away from him, but I wiggled my booty to the best of my ability. If he was so anxious to get an eyeful of my backside, he could take his fill.

"You didn't say Sir, Lois," he called after me.

"That's because you're an asshole," I replied sweetly, thankful I was already out of the room and well on my way to the bathroom. The loud sigh I heard made me smile, even though I knew I'd pay for my outburst later. Still, I was here to learn all about submission, and I was going to get spanked whether I liked it or not. Giving him the occasional reason to chastise me would serve me well for the future, I was sure. On the plus side, I hadn't killed him for leaving me chained to the bed, even though the temptation to do so had certainly been there. Well, maybe not kill him. It would be a shame to destroy something that beautiful. Maybe I'd just mess him up a little one of these days. I had a feeling I'd happily endure a few hours of torture just to see him lose that mantle of rigid control that he always wore. There would be a man underneath the beast, unless I was much mistaken. Whether I'd like the man any more than the beast was questionable, though.

Shutting the door to the bathroom, I searched around for a lock, but found there was none. Why was I not surprised? If James wanted a touchy-feely session, he probably didn't need to accost me in the bathroom, so I wasn't going to worry too much about it. Thankfully, there was a shower and a couple of big, white fluffy towels, so life wasn't all bad. Stepping inside the plastic shower door, I turned the faucet all the way over to the hot and steamy side and gave it a minute to warm up. Then I stepped inside... and nearly froze. The water was still stone cold. Fiddling about with the faucet from one side to the other got me nowhere, and there were no visible switches for hot water in the bathroom that I could see. I was just about to wrap a towel around me and go hunting for James when he stepped inside the bathroom. Being naked with an incredibly hot man in close proximity was a weird conundrum. I didn't know whether I wanted to find a third hand to cover all of my exposed assets, or whether I just wanted to drape him all over me. The jury was out.

"There's no hot water," I squeaked as, thankfully, my indecision got the better of me.

"There was. There isn't now. Just so you know, Lois, there are consequences to all of your actions around here. So, you will step in that cold shower, and you will get clean. I'm not leaving here until you do so."

I pouted at him with my best Disney princess eyes and said, "Couldn't you just not feed me for the rest of the day, instead?" I battered my eyelashes a couple of times for good measure. Belle had nothing on me.

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