Chapter 13

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James half pulled, half dragged me back to my room, and he wasn't particularly gentle about it. During that time, my mind raced. Was he going to give me a spanking? Would it be unbearable? Could he make me cry? Would he pull one of his medical stunts, like he did back at Elite Encounters? Oh shit, what had I just done? I was now handcuffed to a madman, and about to pay the price.

When we got back to my room, he picked me up and dumped me on the bed. Plucking a key out of his pocket, he then unlocked his cuff, only to refasten it to a metal headboard, which hadn't been there earlier.

"Before you even think about escaping, Lois, I've drilled the headboard into the floor with nine-inch nails." He then grabbed the base of my T-shirt, and even though I knew what he was about to do before he did it, I still couldn't help my eyes wincing.

"You wouldn't," I whispered, already knowing that he would.

"Watch me." His face was grim as he ripped my shirt in two from the bottom all the way to the top.

It was bizarre, but I felt much more vulnerable like this, and considering I'd been crawling around naked earlier, that thought might need to be examined. Mind you, I hadn't been handcuffed to the bed back then.

"Right, stay there and don't get up to any trouble while I go and gather a couple of things. The cuffs have been double locked, so best of luck trying to pick them in the five minutes I'll be gone." With that, he turned his back on me and the door clicked quietly shut behind him. I was then left to sweat it out. A few ferocious tugs at the ornate metal bedpost confirmed that James had not been lying when he'd said he'd screwed it to the floor. It didn't budge an inch. Knowing that I had nothing on my person in which to pick a lock, I didn't even bother tampering with them. Picking them would take far more time than I had, in any case. Think, Lois. Think. But no amount of thinking could come up with a solution of how to get the better of someone a good degree stronger than I was, while I had a handcuffed to the bed. It was possible that I could get him in some kind of hold, and in enough pain that he might release the handcuff key, but it was a long shot. I was trying desperately to come up with another plan that was more likely to succeed when James re-entered the room with a super-sized dildo and a bottle of what looked suspiciously like lubricant. All coherent thought flew out of my head.

"You bring that thing near me and I'll kill you," I said. I meant it, too. Whether I could carry through with that threat was anybody's guess, but my eyes shot sharp metal daggers in his direction.

He stopped and slowly turned his head to stare at me before releasing a killer grin. "You're welcome to try, darling, but I think the odds of me getting through this alive are pretty favourable. Besides, in a few minutes' time, I give you my personal guarantee that you'll have forgotten your own name. If I do my job properly, you might even forget to breathe." He began unbuttoning his casual white shirt, and I think both of his premonitions came true almost instantly.

"Why are you doing that?" There might have been a sliver of fear in my voice, but there was arousal, too. James was entirely wrong for me, but in all the right ways.

"Are you scared, Lois?" His tone of voice was goading, and I knew he wanted a reaction from me.

"Just curious. Do you fuck all your trainees? Is that a perk of the job?" That fired the ball back in his court, and sure enough, his face darkened.

"You're my first trainee, Lois, so I'm not sure yet. There's not much call for this kind of training normally, which is a damn shame, but there you have it." The shirt was now fully open, and he draped either side over his shoulders until it slid gently down his back. An eight pack of fully ripped abdominal muscles greeted me, and I think I nearly ruptured my spleen as a fistful of desire smacked me straight in the chest. The ball, Lois. Where is the ball? Oh, right.

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