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"Babe," a sigh escaped my lips as I felt his arms wrapped around my waist.

"You've kissed me twice, already." I said as he leaned for another one again. He glared at me as his brow arched, "And I'll do it again." he muttered.

I was trapped between his arms that's strongly placed against the walls behind me. If I attempted to escape, that will only put into waste. I know I can't.

"Try to kiss me again, bet you'd regret it." his sharp eyes observed mine. As if he's reading what I'm up with. A smirk plastered in my lips that made him clenched his jaw.

I stood in a tiptoe and brought my face even close to his. The smirk didn't left my lips, "You would get the kiss.. but me." I whispered in his ears, eyes settled onto somewhere, glaring darkly.

He knew. Ever since he confessed, he knew. He's dealing with a blunt, cold girl who seemed unique for him.

She shows no interest at all. Specifically, to him. That must be the reason why he's after her anyway.

"Really?" he murmured after the long treatment of silence. Before I knew it, I got pushed against the walls again. I groaned and gazed up, to meet his cold glare.

He leaned on me. Expecting him to kiss me, I shut my eyes closed. However, it didn't happen. I was scared to open my eyes. Thinking that if I did, then he'll surprise me by the kiss, or laugh at me for expecting to have nothing.

"Y/n," a sudden soft stroke felt my hand. That's when I started to open my eyes and look down on our hands. He caught my other hand and stroke it as well.

I don't know what to do. I can't think properly. The way he pressed his hand on mine was something I can't explain. My cheeks started to blush and by that, my heart started to pound faster than what it's used to.

What the hell is this?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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