How I Met Fionna The Human (Complete)

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Marshall's POV

I was finally old enough to move out my mom's house and explore the world. I was 116 why didn't she let me move out before, I didn't ask her because i would have to spend another hour in this hell hole called the nightosphere. I grab all my stuff which took me hours to pack well down here anyway, up there it would be a minute after all the nightosphere is messed up, so is the time it might be a month down here but up there it could be a day. After I packed i teleported my house to a cave in a place called Aaa that where me and my dad use to go before ..... sigh the Mushroom War those were bad times I was running from something next thing i know my dad told me to go with my mother and he would see me soon I never saw him after that. "Let me see i have my Axe bass my Clothes all in my bag and my Umbrella". "Your forgetting something" I turned around to see my mother she was a vampire just like me she was also the one who turned me "What did i forget ?" I said looking a my mother,wait this could be another one of her tricks to get me to stay here "I told you mom I'm le..." she held out Wambo. I froze then ran to my mother to get Wambo my beloved doll i got from a blue skined and white haired lady i got during the Mushroom War what was her name uhhhh ... Simone yes that was her name. "Where did you get this from?" I asked the last time i saw Wambo was before Ashley sold it to a Warlock, I hated Ashley for that so i dumped her. "Let's just say that Warlock owed me a favor" she said giving a devilish smile I didn't know what to do until she hugged me "Mom" I said feeling uncomfortable "Thankyou" I said as I put Wambo in my bag. I Grabbed all my stuff and waved goodbye to my mom and flew through the portal to Aaa, I came out on the other side luckily I had my umbrella opened or i would have turned to a pile of ash the sun was beaming down but no sunlight got through my black skull umbrella. I flew for a couple hours till i got hungry and tired, I saw a apple tree end landed on one of it's branches the sun was setting so i closed my umbrella. I picked a apple from a branch above me and sunk my fangs into the apple draining it of it's ruby red color then started to play my Bass singing a few notes "My life starts now, it's finally beginning, to show it's self which road will i take i don't know but i will be happy to start my life with you". Thats when I heard a heartbeat it wasn't from me my heart stopped a long time ago so I turned invisible and looked down I saw a girl sit down under the tree i was sitting on she seemed sad yet confused.

Fionna POV

Sigh.... "why was it so complicated to get a guy to like me" I said aloud I hope nobody was listening I would be so embarrassed. I put my head into my hand and started to cry, I felt a chilly breeze and reached into my bag for my sweater. It was red my sister cake made it for me it use to be white but I spilled fruit punch on it and it was never white again even if cake washed it. "Hi there" I heard a sweet voice say I quickly got out my sword and went into battle mode "who's there" I screamed "Show yourself" I said then a boy appeared out of nowhere and landed in front of me. He had black hair and red eyes,he was also wearing a plaid black and red shirt with blue jeans and red and white sneakers "I'm Marshall lee the vampire king".

Marshall POV

I stood in front of a blonde haired girl who was covering her hair up with a bunny hat only allowing her bangs to show. She had on a red sweater with a navy blue skirt and kneehigh socks with mary janes and a green pack on her bag "Hi what's your name" I was compelled to her beauty she calmed down and put away her sword "I'm Fionna" her name was so beautiful I said it over and over again in my head "Nice to meet you" I said with a smirk "Are you new around here" "yeah I am i'm looking for water caves I moved my house inside one of them" "I know where those caves are I live near them" she lives near them now I can see her everyday "Do you want me to show you where it is?" Fionna said "sure" she showed me where the caves where and along the way I got to know her and we became friends I told her about me I'm actually the first vampire she ever met. When i got to my house i invited her in "Oh i'm sorry dude i have to go home my sister is going to get worried about me" "It's ok bye Fionna" "Bye Marshall" and that was that.


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