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August P.O.V.- I know Nina hiding something but she won't tell me. I hope she didn't do nothing bad. I love this girl but she hiding stuff. I don't want to get to a point were I can't trust her and I have to keep a eye on her. I heard Nina on the phone with somebody. I turn off the shower. Agree hurried off the phone when I turn off the water she said I got to go he getting out. I love you. What if she cheating on me. I was worried but I have to trust her right now.

Nina P.O.V.- August is getting suspicious but right now I don't really know if I am so I just need to keep it low. If I am I need to keep my self safe. I can't let her hurt me just to keep me and August together. I don't want to lose him. This is hard and it's stressing me out and I want to break down and cry,but I got to be strong. My stomach growled. I want a burger.
My next part is coming it was just a short P.O.V. It will be interesting so please read it.

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