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Nina arrived at the hospital.She walked in. Hey August. He turned his head.

Nina: You mad baby?

August: You know what Nina.

Nina: What?

August: Don't come in here and act like it's all good.

Nina: It's not all good so let's talk about it.

August: Naww I'm good.

Nina: Baby I know you hurting. So let's talk about it cuz it hurts me to.

August: Look I don't feel like it.

Nina: Really August.

August: Don't really me. Nina you walked out on me and I needed you. You the first girl that hurt my heart.

Nina: August baby you hurry me to.

August: You walked out and I didn't know if you was coming back Nina! How the fuck you thank I felt!

Nina: You was hurt and I was hurt baby we both need to apologize.

August: I did apologize and when I did still walked out baby I needed you and I still but if we work this out how I know if you won't walk out on me again how I know if you going to hurt me again?

Nina: I won't and how I know you wont be with that bitch again.

August: She not going to be in my life ok baby. I love you ok and no bitch is replacing you ok. I love you.

Nina: I love you to. She kissed him she better not come around.

August: She might do.

Nina: Why?

August: She said she will leave for now.

Nina: And.

August: For now do you know what that mean.

Nina: Ok August love you.

August: Love you to.

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