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So August took Nina to a hotel again because August didn't want to take Nina to the house. While Nina was at the hotel August was gone he had a show. So Nina went down to the pool it was dark and no one was out there. Nina turn her song on "Still" bye Tamia. Alexis sneaked up on Nina and pushed her head down under the water she kept holding her head down. Nina was kicking trying to come up.

Hey and unkown person said. He ran push Alexis she fell down Alexis hands hit the ground catching her self. He help. Nina up he notice she was pregnant are you alright. Nina I just need sit down and breath. I thank you should go to the hospital you breathing real heavy no I'm good, but can you walk me up to my room. Yeah.

Nina slept it off about what happen she didn't fight her, because she know it's not good to fight with the baby.

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