Chapter 27

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Jungkook POV

I thought Eun would have forgotten what went on last night but I actually she hasn't. In fact she hasn't spoken to me all morning.

I woke feeling shit. I had bags under my eyes I guess it's from the hangover I have. But I knew I had to get rid of them as I have my fan sign this afternoon.

We were all ready to leave. Jimin went upstairs to Eun but when when they came back down. Jimin was carrying her, whilst was in the crook of his neck. Whenever we argue and it my fault, she always forgets it the next day.

We got inside the car that my manager organised for us. I sat next to Jimin, who was looking at Eun who was sleeping in her car seat. I grabbed his hand and not saying a word we sat in silence the whole car journey there. It was that quiet you could hear a pin drop.

When we finally got to the venue, there so many fans waiting outside. Screaming " OPPAA" or " I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JUNGKOOKIE". Jimin looked at me  as if to say 'wow they love you' but he said nothing and just went over to get Eun to get her out of her car seat and placed her on his hip and walked straight out of the car and raced inside. Rude.

Why the hell is he ignoring me for, maybe because of Eun or he is jealous. I have no idea

Me on the other hand had to wait for my manager and say hello to my fans. ( what should his fandom name be ? )

I was waiting for ages for my manager, like he only had to walk from the venue to my car. Like what the f*ck is he doing. All of sudden the door flung door, in my view was a shadow of two men just staring at me. When their faces came in my view, I realised it was manager and Jimin who were just staring at me.

" Come on Mr Jungkook, we are going to be late" I nod my head at the manager and quickly got out of the car. I ran inside, passing all my fan on the way as I was late for my fansign. My manager open the door for me and Jimin. We bowed to say thank you.

When I got in the building, Eun came up to me. For the first time today which shocked me. But I could not answer her as I was getting my hair and make up done. " kookie can i go to cafeteria to get food" Run said but to be honest, I could not hear her so I didn't reply back. Eun form a pout face at me and slowly walked away with her head. I did feel bad for not paying her some attention from me but I kind of busy.

Jimin POV

"Jimine?" Eun walked looking all sad. "What's wrong Eun" I replied as she walked over to me and struggle to sit on my lap. Which I had to her help in the end. " Kookie is ignoring me, I am really bad person or sister" tears were rolling down her check at this point. I lift my thumb to her check and wiped the wet tears away. I pulled her into a long hug hoping she felt warmth and safeness in my arms. Eun body full was relaxed in my arms. " of course Eun, he loves you very much, he just really busy with working that's all" I explained to her whilst rocking her. Eun looked up at me and told me someone that I thought she would never say before. " Jungkookie loves you very much too". I smile at her comment and nodded my head. "I know Eun"

We sat cuddling for a couple of minutes before we had to go and Jungkook on the stage. Which I was quite excited for. I can't wait to see him to have fun with his fans.

I also forgot that his manager pulled me aside when I placed Eun down after getting out of the car and Jungkook still in the car waiting. He told that Jungkook has a surprise for me. I wonder what it is !!

Chapter spoiler

" Who the hell are you ?!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WOW THIS TOOK A LONG TO WRITE UP.

I didn't know how to form Themis chapter out. I kept deleting paragraphs and starting again

I hope you like chapter guys

What do you think Jungkook surprise is ?

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