Episode 5

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Seraphina's POV

"What are you doing here? Murderer!" Remi burst into tears.

Volcan sighed. "You may call me whatever you wish. If you see me as a murderer, so be it. It doesn't matter. John, I told you to kill that girl. Yet you're still pinning over her?"

"I told you, I won't hurt my friend." John looked fiercely into Volcan's eyes.

"...don't say I didn't give you a chance." she stared at John menacingly.

She pushed a button on some sort of device.

"AAAAAAAAHH!!" John screamed terribly.

He fell to the floor, still clutching his neck. He huffed and breathed heavily. It hurt to see him like this. He didn't deserve it! 

I leap over to John's side immediately, activating my ability.


"Seraphina, don't-!" Arlo started.



"You insolent girl!"

What?! How can this be!? 

Volcan! She isn't frozen at all! But my time manipulation! That's impossible-!


She punched me right in the stomach. Blood spurted out of my mouth and I fell to the floor. 

Shit. Time was continuing.

"Seraphina!" Blyke and Isen called.

"Hmph. Stupid little girl. There's no way you could've touched me. I'm a 9.6. You should've thought twice before challenging me. Tsk. What a waste of time."

"Shit! She's grabbing John!"

"Don't let her get away!"


A flurry of words filled my head. Volcan was getting away with John? No! Stop! Don't take John away...don't take...


Narrator's POV

Volcan ran back to the white room, carrying the unconscious body of John.

This was not how I thought it would go. Volcan thought. Are his feelings that strong that he was able to break control for a bit?

She sighed. 

I'll have to make a stronger vial that he can't resist.

At Wellston Hospital...

"Dammit!" Blyke shouted, slamming his fists onto his lap. "That woman again! She just had to show up when we were rescuing him!"

"What kind of relationship did those two have? It seemed Volcan was pretty close to John." Isen inquired. He put a finger to his chin in thought.

"Urgh, I want to save him already! Can't we just go back into that building?" Remi put a fist up in anger.

"No. Seraphina still needs to recover from the damage she took from Volcan. Besides, Pinky, John's not like your everyday high school breakfast. You can't just grab him and go. They'll most likely move him to a different location." Arlo explained.

"Mr. Arlo, your friend Seraphina is awake." a nurse walked out of her room.

"Ah, thank you." Arlo said. He and the others stood up from the seats outside of the waiting room.

Seraphina is looking at her bedsheets.

Seraphina's POV

I couldn't do anything. I tried to use time manipulation and it failed. She's far too strong for me to take on. Will I ever get John back?

The door clicked.

"Hey, Seraphina. Are you feeling okay?" Remi asked worriedly.

I sighed. "I feel terrible. It's all my fault. If only I was a little stronger..."

"Don't blame yourself. There's no way we four could've made a dent at her. You and John are at the same level. But even he got beat."

I closed my eyes. Was there anything that I maybe found that could help in this situation?

"Please, Sera. Leave right now."

"I told you, I won't hurt my friend."

"It looked like John was being controlled by someone. For a second, I think he regained control and told you to run away. But then, Volcan did something to him and he screamed. He also kept on grabbing his neck, too." Isen pointed out.

I thought about Isen's comment. 


"Please, Sera. Leave right now."

Injection wounds!

"I remember. There were injection wounds on his neck!" I added.

"What!?" Arlo was shocked.

"Just like Waldo and Alana! They had injection wounds, too!" Remi clarified.

"That may be how Volcan's controlling John! Through another syringe that she gave him!"

Le Bonus

Name: Volcan

Ability: Fire Claws

Ability Level: 9.6

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