A Chill Day

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"I think after all we've been through we need a good day off. Who knows what the camp will bring!" Ashido said, Shouto glanced over to where she was apparently arguing with Iida. Izu had dozed off at his seat, he had been stressed at school since talking to Nezu. Shouto had spoken to him about it, and Izu told him he understood why Nezu may have planned the exam as such... it still worried him about what he may have been able to do if it had gone belly up. Shouto was worried about him, the exam and the real plan being reveal shone more light on Izu's person insecurities of his quirk. But even Shouto knew that Izu's quirk was truly something that shouldn't be experimented with without him truly knowing what is going on. Even if he was on site as a hero, he would know the risks at that time. Shouto lightly pet his boyfriends hair, smiling as Izu mumbled something, maybe at the fact Ashido's voice was raising slightly.

"Will you just shut the fuck up!" Bakugo finally burst out, but much quieter then expected. "Or haven't you notice..." He waved his arm in Izu's direction. Ashido covered her mouth.

"Sorry!" She gasped.

"It's okay... it's..." Shouto wasn't quite sure what to say. "I think having a day with everyone relaxing would end up helping Izu... he needs something like that right now..." Shouto said

"If we can arrange a place, I can bring my console and some games." Bakugo muttered. Yaomomo gasped happily.

"I can bring an assortment of teas!" She smiled

"I can bring some treats!" Sato added. The class began discussing who could bring what, Shouto looked at Izu thoughtfully and smiled.

"If am not sure what I can bring, but we can all meet at my place. I am right across the road from Izu, so if it ends up being too much for him..." Shouto muttered.

"He can get to his room to chill." Bakugo finished, Shouto nodded.

"I mean, I'll have to ask my mom first... and chances are my brother will try getting involved if he is home. If he hears I have friends over it will be impossible that he isn't there." Shouto muttered. He ended up sending a message to him mom right then, as his class burst out with loads of questions about his family. He was happy when she agreed to have them all over.


"Think you can handle it?" Shouto asked, he and Izu got back to Izu's room after school. Izu was under all his teddies on his bed, Shouto had happily taken his desk chair and was holding Izu's hand. A tired green eye watched him from the shadows.

"I like it... I just don't know at the moment..." Izu mumbled.

"It's okay." Shouto lifted Izu's hand to his cheek. "Besides, it why everyone agreed to have the meet up at mine." Izu's visible eye widened. Shouto smiled. "So, if you decide you want to try it, but you late find you can't, coming home will be easier."

"bet your mom's excited." Izu said.

"Yeah, she is looking forward to it... so is Fuyumi and Natsuo." Shouto sighed. "Don't know if I should be worried or not." Shouto felt pleased with himself when he heard a burst of laughter from Izu.

"Oh be afraid, very afraid." Izu replied.

"I thought you were meant to be on my side?" Shouto pouted, a little surprise when Izu sat up and smiled at him soft. Izu leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"I am, and it is why I am warning you." Izu told him. "Think the level of the great wall of Izu and Shiyu in the staff room." Shouto immediately panicked, Izu laughed lightly at him.


"Oh. My. Gosh!" Ashido laughed as she with the rest of the Bakusquad got to the Todoroki home and spotted Izu in his pyjama's. He was in the middle of coffee as he looked up at her. "They are so cute!"

"These are my comfort clothes..." Izu mumbled lightly. Glancing down at his colour rainbow unicorn onesies... "Its fluffy..." It was clear he wasn't all awake just yet.

"It's great, it suits you!" Ashido beamed, seemingly pleased with her replied, Izuku hummed happily and took a large gulp of his coffee.

"Usually this dazed on a weekend?" Bakugo asked Shouto, who shook his head.

"His own emotions are sort of out of order at the moment. He hasn't got his emotional filter on, his dad says he is trying to realign his emotions by allowing his quirk to be free for a bit, giving his own emotions some cover to get readjusted." Shouto answered

"Ah." Bakugo nodded. The rest of the class began to arrive, but they all got to see Izuku without his filter, him living off the emotions of others. It was a little odd, but they could see parts of their Izu underneath it all, and the fact he seemed to be even more cuddly with Shouto than before had them meeting Natsuo because he was after photos as blackmail.

"Natsuo..." Shouto glared. His brother grinned.

"What? Got to have some evidence to embarrass you when you told are getting married." Natsuo said. Shouto blushed deeply.

"I am going to kill you." Shouto said threateningly. The class were trying not to laugh as they tried to focus on the game being played, Mario kart.

"Na you..." Natsuo stopped, as they noticed as Izu sat up straight quickly, he was almost frozen still, the game was paused as everyone began to worry,

"Izu?" Shouto asked, taking his hand. "Izu? Are you okay?" He watched his boyfriend confused.

"My uncle's here..." Izu got to his feet.

"Who? Aizawa?" Kirishima asked

"All Might... he's... talking to my parents... but something is worrying him..." Izu frowned "I need to go and check on him."

"Are you sure? Want us to come with?" Shouto offered. Izu smiled at him and hugged him.

"No but thank you. I will be right back after, promise." Izu got up and left the room in a hurry, they watched as he ran across the road.

"I hope everything's okay..." Bakugo muttered concerned. Shouto couldn't help but worry... what was this all about?

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