let's start from the begining

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I'll start this story by saying that life is a huge, gigantic, cold, mother of them all, heartless bitch. If you're expecting a fairy tale, a sweet, fun and easy type of narrative I'll have to tell you that this is not the right place for you. My story is full of obstacles, disappointments, regrets, fears and temptations. It's intense in its ups and even more intense in its downs. There is love, hate, mistakes and forgiveness and it led me into this exact point of my life where I am today.

Before I introduce myself I wanna say one more thing. Do not, and I can not stress this enough, DO NOT let yourself fall in love. Ever. It's just not worth it. It sucks. It turns you into a brainless person that only do stupid shit like trusting and giving another chance to non deserving people. And another, and another, and another. Listen to someone that experienced it in their own skin. Don't do it. It's gonna be the biggest mistake of your life.

Point being made, let's start this the right way. Hi, my name is Shannon Nicole Beveridge, nice to meet you. No, i'm not a bartender, my father doesn't own a drink company and, please, don't ask me for a cocktail. The amount of jokes i've heard about my stupid last name growing up were ridiculous, I cant take one more boring joke anymore.

Well, I think you already suspect that this is not the happiest story ever written, but, one thing you don't know yet, is that I am not the main character of it. Crazy right? I'm not even the most important person in my own story. But that's the easiest way to explain it. The events in my life were defined by someone else. And if you're thinking that I'm talking about the person responsible for breaking my heart into a million pieces and making me feel shivers down the spine by the thought of the word love, you're absolutely right.

So, let me introduce you to the one, the only, the person responsible for my shittiest and darkest days, Cari Elise Fletcher. My best friend, my secret, my lover, my ex, my mistake, my downfall. How can I start explaining Cari Fletcher? There's not an easy way to elucidate what this girl meant to me while I was growing up, but I'll try to put into words the most important chapters of this journey.

It all starts when we're little kids, playing in her backyard while our moms were chatting in the living room. I know Cari since I can remember. She liked to play with her dolls and I liked a little more extreme activities, although it was her who used to get us more in trouble in general. Our parents have been best friends since they were in high school, which means we grew up together, spent holidays together, went to school together, did everything together, but only until my dad got an offer to work at his dream job in Los Angeles, so we moved all the way to the other side of the country when we were ten years old. The only thing I remember from that exact time is that my only concern was that I wouldn't see Cari anymore. I wouldn't have my best friend to play with and to go to school together or spend my weekends with.

But my sadness after losing my best friend didn't last long. I found new and cool people in Los Angeles that received me in the best way possible. I met new friends, new places, found new interests, new ways to see the world. It was there that I started to realize that I wasn't as interested in boys as my friends were and that I one hundred percent liked girls' company better than boys'. It was a struggle to understand what the hell was wrong with me and it was even more difficult going through that unknown path without my friends by my side, because my parents got a divorce and my mom decided to return to New Jersey when I was fifteen, so that led me to a whole new change of scenario all over again.

I returned to my hometown in the most crucial time of a teenager's life. When we are around that age we start to choose the path we wanna take through the exciting and scary journey that high school means in our lives. There are the athletes, the ones that choose to follow the artistic path, the ones that are extremely worried about college and the future and those who are only worried by the way they look and the next party they will attend. Among them there is, of course, those who are completely lost and don't really know what is going on and what they are supposed to do, like me, and the ones that seem to have everything figured out and know exactly what they're doing, like my once called best friend.

When I returned to my old school I wasn't surprised to find out that Cari Fletcher was kind of a big deal there. An old friend that I teamed up with in science class in my first day back told me that she was the captain of the volleyball team, a part of the theater group, one of the main voices in the choir, the vice-president of the student committee and, as if all that weren't enough, one of the top in class when it came to grades. Everyone there worshipped her like she was a God. Not unexpectedly though, it was shocking how she managed to do all those things at the same time without going crazy. That multitasking facet turned her into one of, if not the most, popular girls there. Oh, of course, there is one more crucial thing that I almost forgot to mention, she was dating one of the hottest guys from the football team, which officially turned her into the most envied girl from Walls High School. Not by me though, I couldn't care less about that moron, of course. 

I wasn't expecting things to be exactly the same as they were between me and Cari before I went to LA. We were kids then and our interests change a lot from when we're ten to when we're fifteen years of age. But I won't lie and say I wasn't expecting to reconnect with her when I was given no choice but to return to my hometown. She was the most vivid memory I had of my early years there and it would be nice to have a friend to help me fit in with my old classmates again, but, as soon as Veronica told me about her supremacy there, I knew that that wouldn't happen. I was just a scared, confused, anxious kid with zero skills that screamed loser everywhere I went. I didn't fit in that popular, with a large circle of friends world of high school. I was a quiet, awkward and shy girl that prefered to go through life unnoticed and would be happy with just a couple of good and reliable friends to share some laughs with.

Thinking about it now, I remember not feeling like I fit anywhere in that period of my life. Like I said, it was at that time that I started to question my sexuality and if my lack of interest in boys meant that I was gay or just not interested in the dating life at all. I didn't know if the reason behind the fact that I liked so much to be around other girls was because I was attracted to them or it was just because I had something against the male race, even though I had no idea what it was. But it didn't take long for that doubt to be solved, and I will explain what made me come to the conclusion that, no, I wasn't a completely indifferent person about the dating life and I was, in fact, a girl that didn't only wanted to be around other girls, but who wanted to also kiss them. It was the hardest time of my life until that moment - it wasn't even close to the real hardest times of my life from that point on - and I will tell you exactly how everything happened. This is where my story with Cari begins.



I had this idea of turning the album Folklore from our lord and savior Taylor Swift into a Shannon and Cari story!

I don't know if it's gonna work or if will make much sense, but I think it could turn into something really magical if made with patience (which I've been trying to find lately lol) and care.

It's gonna be told through Shannon's perspective and the order of the songs will not be like they are in the album, it will follow an especific way to match the story I have in mind. Let me tell you in advance that it's gonna be a complicated story, but very emotional too!

So let me know what you guys think and if you have any interest of reading it!


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