Building project

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To say all of the students were confused by the big pile of, what looked like junk that was laying in the corner of their classroom.

"Alright, class!" The teacher smiled. "Today you're going to build something in two hours! Use your imagination and you can use anything in this pile!"

After hearing that, Karlof Jay Nya and Zane got up from their seats and started picking out stuff from the pile.

Unsure of what to do the others also grabbed something without really thinking. Well, except for Bolobo who only grabbed several pieces of wood.

"Ma'am?" Karlof asked with his hand raised.

"Yes, Mr. Artino?"

"Can students use any tools?"

"Yes! You anything you want!"

She would end up regretting saying that...

"WHERE THE HELL DID HE GET A WELDER FROM?!" Turner screeched as Karlof started to weld different pieces of metal together.

"Well... Mr. Artino that's not really-"

"Teacher said any tools!" Karlof interrupted her, starting to hammer the metal.

"Mr. Artino the desks are made of wood! You could set the school on fire!"

"Karlof know what he doing!" he muttered.

Suddenly, everyone heard small mews coming from Bolobo's desk.

"Mr. Becker this is the third time this month!" The teacher scolded. "Pets are not allowed in school!"

Suddenly, the cats started to try and rip up Kai's bag cause, unfortunately.

He brought fish n chips for lunch.

"HEY! STUPID CAT!" Kai yelled trying to hit them.

"Aaaw! But they're so CUTE!" Jay gushed out trying to pet one of them.

Turner tried to record the whole scene.


Before Neuro smashed his head into the desk.


"Sorry, ma'am!" All four sighed and Bolobo gently put the cats back in his backpack. And don't worry! He redesigned it so animals can fit in it without getting uncomfortable!

"OW FUCKING HELL BLOODY SATAN FULL OF SHIT!" Camille yelled, dropping the hammer on the floor clutching her hand.


"Ugh! I can't believe we're not allowed to use our powers in this class!" Turner groaned. "I would've been done in a minute!"

"You're telling me?" Acronix sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up and help me!" Krux grumbled preparing to hammer in a nail.

Acronix carefully held the nail in its place.

His efforts were wasted.

Cause just as Krux raised the hammer...

"Hey, Krux! What are you building?" Pale asked innocently.

Then... Krux dropped the hammer...

On his foot.

"OOOW OW OW OW PAAAALEEEE!" Krux screeched clutching his foot.

"U-Uhm...... Sorry???" Pale squeaked out meekly.

"Mr. Gonzales, go to the nurse's office!" The teacher sighed. "You too Miss. Bellamy! And take Mr. Turner with you! That bump needs to be looked at!"

Krux scowled in anger as he grabbed Turner and limped out of the classroom.

Now, an angry Acronix was ready to murder Pale.

With a screwdriver.


"Yes ma'am..."

The lesson continued quite normal...

(Except Kai burned his project cause he couldn't figure out how he would put the pieces together in a way he wanted)

Turner asked if he could borrow Karlof's welder but Karlof was worried he would actually burn down the whole school.

Jay asked and was allowed to upgrade an old camera as his project.

Nya had some trouble getting in the water right.

Jacob... well he's blind so he just read a book during the lesson.

Acronix cast death-glares at Pale every ten minutes.

Krux came back after a while with a crutch and his foot in a boot while Turner's head and Camille's hand was wrapped in bandages.

Ash fell asleep because he made something very simple and got done soon.

Neuro got done fast and just laid head down in his desk not wanting to deal with anyone anymore...


Even though this was just the first lesson.

Bolobo secretly used the cats to get the size of his project right

Zane probably stressed out the calculator...

"Alright, class! I'm going to give your project a grade now!"

Karlof: A mini metal tower A+

Bolobo: A cat house A- (He got minus because he brought the cats into class)

Kai: Ashes and a small bowl C+ (He managed to make a small bowl at the grind of his teeth that's why he got a plus)

Jacob: He just answered some questions about the blood he read B

Shade: A small necklace B-

Nya: A small aqueduct A+

Jay: An upgraded camera with great edit features A+ (the teacher wanted to give him a cookie)

Zane: A small ice-cream machine A+ (the teacher wouldn't let him get the ingredients for the actual ice cream)

Cole: A wooden bear head (he had a flow) A+

Skylor: A restaurant logo (Guess which :3) B-

Pale: A wooden fedora B-

Ash: A small dagger (He got to borrow Karlof's welder) C+ (Teacher's quote: Weapons are usually not allowed!)

Lloyd: He tried to make a dragon but it turned out to a small wooden lizard-worm C-

Gravis: A small amulet C+

Neuro: A mini bookshelf B-

Tox: A wooden gun C- (As the teacher said: NO WEAPONS!)

Turner: He made a wooden broom cause he accidentally broke his mom's last week and he wanted to give it to her. B-

Krux: Since he was gone for some time he just made a small wooden box. C+

Acronix: He made a shield B+ (the teacher didn't complain because shields are used for defense)

Camille: She had trouble finishing her pyramid with her injured hand but the got a B+ for her efforts

"Alright, class! Now take a break and then it's time for PE!"

"Yes Ma'am!"

"Oh, and Mr. Becker! I need to talk with you for a moment!" 

(HEY guys! Hope you like my new stories! Yes... I haven't updated in a while... writer block is real! But I hope these one-shots can give me motivation!)

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