3. Mission for the mooshroom

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When you arrived home, you couldn't wait to tell Dream and George about the island you found. But instead you ended up falling alseep on a couch in your huge living area.

Dream walked into the mansion after a good day of building. It was around early night hours as he walked into the kitchen to cook some rabbit he found during the day. But before he could, he saw an outline of a figure on the couch in the living area. He made his way to the living room, out of sheer curiosity. What he found was you, laying uncomfortably on it. Your backpack was near your feet. He softly smiled. '(N) must of had a good day today.' 

His eyes shifted around the room. Nobody was here. He slowly slid his arms under you, and gently picked you up. He walked carefully out of the room, and up the stairs to your bedroom. Dream made his way to your bed, and put you down. You immediately felt more comfortable. He tucked you in, and stood. He stared at you for a minute. ' mabye you will love me for real.' he blushed at the thought and turned to leave, But not before leaving something behind.

The next morning....

You opened your eyes and realized that you were in bed. You sat up quickly and looked around. Someone moved you. You noticed a block of wood with a white flower in a vase. 'who...' there was a note attached to the flower pot. You leaned to grab it. It read:

Make sure to pass out on a bed next time.

-Dream ❤

You flushed. 'Did he..? And he left a heart.' Your eyes were wide open now. You placed the note back on the block and got out of bed.

You were pleasantly surprised to find Dream and George having breakfast at your house. "Good morning (N)." Dream greeted, holding some bread. 

George was having the same thing. They were sitting at the small table again. "Hello (N)." George cheerfully said, taking a bite of his bread. You smiled widely.

 "You're never going to guess what I found yesterday!" You walked over to stand in front of them. 

"What did you find?" George asked. 

You opened your backpack and carried out your map, setting it down excitedly on the table. You pointed to a specific location. 

"I found a mushroom biome!" 

They gasped. "Aren't those biomes super rare?!" Dream exclaimed, flinging his backpack in front of him to put his bread away. 

"I know! I am so lucky to have found one." 

"Well it seems you have a plan on what you're going to do." George commented on your enthusiasm, then quickly glanced at dream. Dream noticed, and looked away from his friend. 

"I was planning to find this biome so I can find mooshrooms to take back to my farming area." You explained. "So I'm going to need someone to help me." 

Dream and George looked at each other. 

'go with her.' 

'i'm going to.' 

 george nodded in approval. They looked back at you. 

"I volunteer as tribute." Dream raised his hand. You grinned widely. 

"Great! I was going to ask you in the first place!" The three of you stood up from the table. 

"well it seems you two got your hands full today." George said as you all walked out of the kitchen. 

"Obviously." You laughed and walked ahead to the door. 

"Don't blow it." George whispered to dream. He flushed at his comment. George winked, and dream smiled shyly. You opened the front doors and inhaled the fresh air. 

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