I Think Love You

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Once we found a cute booth we sat down across from each other and looked at our menus. I was leaning towards a habanero grilled chicken burger with a side of fries and a vanilla milkshake but the chicken waffles with a side of fries also sounded good.

I looked up, my mouth slightly parted to ask Alex what he was getting but what I found was him staring with intense curiosity. 

Just as I was about to ask what happened he beat me to it,

"Why are your eyes pink? Were you crying?" 

My eyes widened. 

"I- uhm- yeah. But it's not that serious so it's nothing to worry about."

His eyes softened and he put one of his large hands on top of my own. 

"Amor habla conmigo, por favor." He pleaded.

I nodded and told him once we ordered I'd explain and he dropped it. He also told me he was going to get the habanero grilled chicken burger with fries and coke so I decided to get the same thing but with a milkshake.

The waitor was in her 30's and was such a sweetheart. Once she walked away Alex turned his attention towards me and signalled for me to explain. I sighed but the began talking.

"This jacket's my brothers."

"What? I didn't know you have a brother?"

"I don't. Well, not any more. He was enlisted into the army and before leaving he- he," my throat started to get tight and tears swelled in my eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to explain." He said softly rubbing his thumb on my hand but I just shook my head.

"No, it's alright. I want to tell you." I took a deep break before continuing. "He gave me and Angie this jacket right before he left, and told us that if we ever missed him too much we could wear it to remember how much he loved us. He died 5 months later and I guess that's why I might've been a little cold when we first met. It's also the reason I was kicked out of my old school. Brandon had just recently left me for one of my good friends and it kind of broke me." I saw Alex's face harden at the mention of Brandon. "I had really liked him and he left me when I needed him most. But I didn't hate him for it, he deserved to be happy, even if it was with someone else." Memories of what Brandon did to me started to swirl in my brain and I looked down as a tear escaped my eye, "Anyways, the friend Brandon left me for started  to become a real bitch. The news about Marco had already been going around town and we couldn't leave the house without getting some sort of pity. Everyone loved the guy. My old friend brought him up one day while picking on me and something inside me snapped. I punched her really hard then using some weird ass force I had I ripped my locker off it's hinges and beat her with it. She was in the hospital for a month. Her parents sued and I got expelled. So we moved here for a fresh start. When we moved Angie and I decided it'd be best to just keep Marcos jacket in a box and hide it in our closet." I almost laughed at how off track I went. 

I can't believe I told him about how I got expelled, I couldn't look him in the eyes so I focused my eyes on the one hand in my lap, since the other had its finger entwined with his.

He removed his hand and another tear dripped down my cheek. I had never felt so much shame. What he did next though I didn't expect.

He put his hand under my chin so I could meet his eyes. His hard gaze burning into my eyes. 

"You have nothing to be ashamed of Andrea, you are one of the strongest people I've met and hearing that just proved it. I'm dated a badass." We both let out a small laugh and he continued."Drea.. I think I- I think I love you."

Both our eyes widened, it was clear he couldn't believe the words he just spoke. However a smile quickly over took my face. 

"I think I love you too."

He grinned and cupped my face in both of his hands, placing a kiss on my lips as we both leaned over the table, our bodies pressed against it, needing to be as close as possible. I was so happy this booth was in the corner and nobody would be able to see us. Yet we were interrupted fairly quickly as someone cleared their throat. 

"Sorry to ruin the moment love birds but I got your food." The waitress said with a smile.

I blushed and leaned my back into the cushioned backing, Alex giving a cocky smirk at my flustered state. The waitress placed the food and I caught her name, Denise

"Thank you Denise." I spoke politely before digging into my food, something Alex had clearly already started. Realising he was being rude he let out a close mouthed smile since his mouth was stuffed with fries, a smile she returned before turning back to me.

"No problem darling." She winked before walking off.

And Alex and I spent the rest of our time finishing our food in a comfortable silence.

BAD AND BOUJEE, alex alvarez Where stories live. Discover now