Chapter (1.0) Gryffindor Common Room

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About a week into arriving at Hogwarts you found yourself more in the Gryffindor common room than your own dorm in the Slytherin Dungeon, not that this bothered you, you enjoyed hanging out with Hermione who was typically reading or studying.

And seeing as you were her only "real" friend you could tell she returned your enjoyment of hanging out with her. One night around 6:30 after you and Hermione had returned from dinner. You were sprawled out on a red velvet couch that had a gold frame, right by you was a table with an oil lamp that helped add more light to the room even with the fire going nearby. Hermione on the other hand was on the floor furiously scribbling down an essay for Potions, you were pleased to find out you had every class with your new best friend.

In the calm and relaxing atmosphere of just the two girls, sound erupted as Ronald, Harry, Dean, and Seamus came busting through the doors. They were laughing at a joke that seemed that Ron had said, You and Hermione were not pleased by the sudden explosion of sound that had interrupted your otherwise productive session.

You eyed the boys as they settled down on the chairs across the room and continued to laugh, they were snacking on what could only be from dinner. It looked to be some form of a cookie as crumbs were getting everywhere, You and Hermione tried to go back to your previous activity that is until you glanced at Hermione and saw that her ring finger was glowing.

You got up stealthily and sat in front of Hermione,

"Hermione? Why is your ring finger glowing?" I whispered, of course, I knew why her ring finger was glowing. Her soulmate was near and it was out of the four boys that had entered the room,

She looked at you and sighed pushing her essay to the side, she leaned towards you and whispered to you.

"Ron so happens to be my "Soulmate"."

You gasped quietly, it was quite shocking as You see Ron and Hermione are complete opposites. It was when more people entered the common room, it was three people. Two of them had bright red hair similar to Ron's, and they looked almost alike. The other boy You recognized as Jorden Lee, your father introduced You to him and his father about 2 years ago. They all looked to be the same age so they were all 3rd years if you remembered Lee's age correctly, the twins went straight towards Ron and started to ruffle his hair and make fun of him.

They then looked at you and Hermione, while Hermione was staring at them with daggers in her eyes. The twin on the right looked at my tie and said,

"Why is there a snake in the lion's den?" he said to the twin on the left,

"Beats me, Fred".

They started to walk towards me and 'Fred' asked

"What's your name?"

"Y/N, Y/N/L/N," you say trying to sound confident

"Y/L/N, ai?" the left one said

"Ah yes, I believe Father mentioned a man by the name of Y/L/N," Fred said

"Kind man he said," finished the other one.

"I'm Fred by the way and this is-"

"George Weasley," they said simultaneously.

Hermione gasps at something but covers it up by returning to her essay,

"Doing homework on a Friday night Granger?" said Fred

"What a drag." finished George again

Hermione ignored them until they left to do other business, You leaned to Hermione and asked

"Why did you gasp?"

She looked up nervously before she blurted

"Your both of your ring fingers were glowing," she said in a hushed voice

I looked down and saw they still had a small gleam as the Weasley Twins were standing across the room cracking jokes.


Soulmates (Weasley Twins x Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now