Chapter (5.0) 2nd Year

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You were in Diagon Alley looking at the list of books meant for school, when You looked up to see the stores around you You saw a familiar bush of brown hair. 

"Hermione!" You said as you ran towards the girl,

She turned around and recognized you immediately,


You and she ran into a hug. You were beyond happy to see her as your only contact with her was through letters.

Throughout your first year You, Ron, Harry, and Hermione had grown very close due to the Troll incident.

You and Hermione started talking about the book list as You had just arrived and hadn't gotten any of your supplies yet. After a bit, you had bought most of the needed supplies for school when you and Hermione were outside a store running over your list when Hermione looked up and saw Harry and Ron. Hermione ran up to them and gave them a hug, You followed after her,

"Harry, you broke your glasses again," said Hermione

"Oculus Reparo" 

The spell fixed Harry's glasses as it did the year prior, You felt a small warmth coming from your ring fingers. You blushed a deep maroon remembering that your soulmates were Fred and George and that they were nearby. You turned around to hide the sudden redness of your face,

"Let's get the rest of our supplies, Hermione!" 

"We just need to get some of our Defense Against the Dark Arts books," Hermione said to Ron and Harry

You and Hermione finally get your shopping done and start heading to the train, you walked down the aisle until you see an open compartment that You and Hermione claim.

After about 20 mins of conversation, You had become worried about the whereabouts of Ron and Harry, Hermione told you not to worry but once the train started to leave she began to get a little worried as well.

The train had been on course for a while when you looked out the window and saw a floating blue car,

"What in Merlins Beard?" you say

"What?" Hermione asks 

You motion to the window, she looks out as well and sees the car as well, then you see a flash of red hair.


You and Hermione watch in horror as the two boys struggle to keep on track inside the car, but then in goes out of view. 

"Oh no," you say

"Did they not go through the barrier?"

"I don't know," Hermione responds 

"Let's hope they'll actually make it to Hogwarts," You say with a worried face.


You sat in the Great Hall watching the sorting, Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table that was right next to the Slytherin table. You prayed that Ron and Harry made it to the castle, but your focus was placed elsewhere as you greeted the new Slytherin first years. They were so tiny,

'Was I this small?' you thought.

Dumbledore gave a similar speech to last years and the feast began, You reached for a bowl of chicken but as you were doing this action Malfoy who was sitting across from you said,

"Where are your little friends halfy?"

Halfy was a nickname Malfoy affectionately gave you halfway through your first year,

"Wheres your dad Malfoy? Bullying children?" you counter knowing it'll catch some eyes.

"Better enjoy your Gryffindor friends while you can, they'll abandon you faster than you can say Leviosa!"

You ignored this statement knowing that your friends from Gryffindor would never do such a thing, Malfoy was just being a prat.

After around 2 weeks you had settled down into a routine that consisted of reading, schoolwork, hanging out in Gryffindor and Slytherin common rooms, spending time with friends, and of course, making sly teases at Malfoy.

You had been reading a book in the Slytherin common room after school one night, that was until Daphne approached you and said,

"Y/N! Are coming to Hufflepuff game night tonight?"

"What?" you ask

"Didn't you hear? Hufflepuff holds a game night every other week and Slytherin is the only house that's invited!" 

"Why didn't we hear about that last year?"

"First years aren't invited,"

"Sounds fun, lets go!"

You two girls headed out to the Hufflepuff common room that was located in basements near the kitchens, when you arrived at the entrance you saw Daphne had a piece of paper that held the info on how to get into the common room, she tapped on barrels to a tune.

When we entered the Hufflepuff common room our eye's opened at the contrast from the common room we were used to, the Hufflepuff common room was much brighter than our rather darker room. The room was filled to the brim with both Slytherin and Hufflepuff, they were enjoying their off time by playing a variety of pf games including games you could only assume were muggle games.

You saw a chessboard that no-one was using so you decided to set it up and see if anyone wanted to challenge You, You had been playing against your parents for years and had developed a skill of winning. All of a sudden a very handsome boy had approached you and asked,

"You wanna play?" he asked motioning towards the board,


"I'm Cedric by the way, Cedric Diggory,"

"Y/n L/N"

"Do you play much chess?" he asked while seating himself down on the chair across from you,

"I play all the time with my parents,"


You and Cedric began the game which lasted for longer that intended, your game carried on so long that you now had a group of both Slytherins and Hufflepuffs cricled around you.

All of a sudden you moved your bishop and landed him in Checkmate, the Slytherins that gathered around you two started cheering.

"Good game," you say reaching your hand out to him

"Good game," he said accepting your hand.

A/N I'm so sorry for not posting in a while, school has been a bit stressing but I hope you enjoy! Also for Goblet of Fire I have decided to not have Cedric killed :)

I love him too I couldn't do that to him

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