Chapter (4.0)

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"What in Godric's name possessed you, children, to sneak off and find a troll!?" yelled Professor McGonagall

"We're sorry Professor we-" You started to say

"I wanted to find the troll for myself, and I told Y/N to come with me. Ron, Harry, Fred, and George came to rescue us." Hermione interrupted,

Your eyes bulged out of the shock of the fact that Hermione had flat out lied to professors, not only professors but professors that hold the power to expel students with only a few words.

"I am very disappointed in both of you girls for your foolish judgment," said McGonagall,

"This has earned you weeks of detention each and 50 points taken from both Slytherin and Gryffindor."

You both nodded and waited for her to finish,

"As for you boys, you will be each awarded 50 points each to your House for your acts of bravery,"

The boy's faces lit up like a lightbulb, they were overly excited about their accomplishments. But as soon as you started to follow Snape back to your dorm it sunk in that your housemates won't be happy with their loss of points. 

"Dammit," you say under your breath

You continued to follow Snape until you reached the Slytherin dungeon,

"Get in anymore trouble and you will have to deal me Miss. Y/L/N, keep that in mind next time you feel the need to cause trouble for Slytherin," he said in a scary but still in a monotone voice

You gulped as you stepped to the door and said the password


Which felt dirty saying as you were a half-blood, it opened up to the common room where many students were hanging out. The crowd included the likes of Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and the girls in your dorm such as Pansy Parkinson, Millecent Bulstrode, etc.

"Where have you been now Y/L/N?" asked Malfoy in a mocking tone

"Surely not hanging out with that filthy Gryffindor Mudblood," he spat

His insults brought the attention of other Slytherins which they snickered at, you felt your blood start to boil but you held back not wanting to know the consequences that Snape would inflict if you even laid a finger on precious Draco Malfoy,

"What? Nothing to say about your little friend?" he again said in a mocking tone

"Like you would know what having friends is like Malfoy, your lackeys only follow you out of fear," you say

"You filthy little Half-blood!" he said as he attempted to pull out his wand, but you were quicker as you took out your wand and said


Which disarmed him leaving him defenseless, You walk away heading off to your dorms for some peace and quiet.

When You reached your bed You grabbed a box of stationery your mother had gifted you, after You lit a candle You started to write a letter to your parents telling them about school and how it was going so far. 

After about an hour You estimated the time to be around 8:30, as you weren't yet tired You climbed out of bed not attempting to wake up your dorm mates. 

When You reached the common room you faced the large wall full of books, You reached for a book labeled A guide to Slytherins History. 

When You opened the book to a medium-sized photo appeared of a man with a bald head and a long white beard dressed in long emerald and silver robes, below it held a description that read, 

Salazar Slytherin, a man of many talents that include the ability to speak ParsleTongue, being one of the four founders of Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and had a knack for Hexes.

You continued to read the book, learning of many new areas of the school that most didn't know about. Such as a place called the Chamber of Secrets, The Room of Requirement, and an underground area only assessable to those who can cast a certain spell. 

After a bit, You looked at at a clock,

"Merlin! It's 11:45!" You said in a shocked voice

You didn't think you had been reading for about 3 hours, You closed your book taking care to mark your page, then You began to walk back up to your dorm being as silent as a mouse.

When You finally reach your bed, it doesn't take long before you fall asleep into a deep slumber.


You woke up to see that your roommates were still asleep, except for a girl named Daphne Greenglass.

"Oh, morning," You say

She was on her bed with a pillow propping her upper half up as she read a book, her bleach blonde hair was tied up in a loose bun.

"Morning," she said while cracking a small smile,

"If you don't mind me asking, what book are you reading?" You questioned.

"A book my parents sent to me, its called "The Priorities of a Pure-Blood"," she responded cooly,

"Sound interesting, do you know the time it is?" You ask

"About 7:00"

You got out of bed and started getting dressed,

"I'm gonna head down to breakfast, care to join me?" You ask

"I'll head down later."


After getting dressed in your button-down, your Slytherin tie, a black vest, and your robes.

You also grab your Slytherin book as well so You can have something to do, when you reached the Great Hall. There are a few students there but so far you don't see Hermione. You went to the Slytherin table and scanned the arrangement of food, there was eggs, toast, bacon, cereal, pancakes, and fruit.

You filled your plate will eggs, bacon, and toast, along with a cup of orange juice. When you began to dig in you pull out your book, you were deep into a chapter about Parsletongue when you heard a familiar voice.

"Y/N, what are you reading?"

You lowered your book and saw Hermione,

"It's a book I found in the common room, its call A Guide to Slytherins History,"

"Sounds interesting, anyways I'll see you after we're done eating'"

"Ok! See you later!"

After Hermione left you resumed back to your book, unaware of the two sets of eyes that were watching you from across the room.

A/N: I hope you're enjoying my book so far :), I might end the first year a bit early and move on to the second year since the first year isn't all that interesting. Anyway, see you soon for the next part!

Soulmates (Weasley Twins x Reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now