Chapter Thirteen: King Kong

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After my meeting with Professor Blake, I kept thinking more and more about Tempest. I craved the knowledge he had and wondered if her time here was finite.

Can I really pull off being a superhero? I'm not sure what led me to the thought. I guess the idea has been building up in the back of my mind—right between the news and my Good Samaritan efforts.

I started to head back to my apartment, but halfway through changed course.

I'll never know unless I try. I mean, really try. I passed my reflection in Le Café's window. For that brief second, I didn't just see me. I saw Tempest too.

We were one and the same.

I smiled.

Maybe it's time for a change.


Artsy was packed today. It seemed like everyone except Des was here, buying out the crafts store. I was doing my part too. Heck, I was nearly choked out for trying to grab a shopping basket.

I waited in this ridiculously long line! I swear it went to the back of the store. This is seriously testing my patience. I thought as the next customer to leave only moved me up half a step.

I sighed. Remember, Penn, this is worth it.

"Getting ready for Halloween so soon?" I heard Jack's laughter come from my right.

I smirked. "You can never start too early."

"Seriously though, what are you planning to do with all that stuff?" he looked at my basket.

I stared down at it, looking at the liquid latex, head form, foam, spirit gum, and various paints and cutters. "Oh, I can't say. It's top secret." I teased, remembering the way he brought up his latest experiment. "The government might come out of the walls and arrest me if I tell you."

He gave me puppy eyes as he tried to hide his smile—come to think of it, Jack was almost always smiling. "Aww! Come on, Penn. You know it will drive me crazy for weeks!" he mocked me.

We laughed, remembering that day from weeks ago.

"What are you doing at Artsy?" I asked him, conveniently avoiding his question. "Don't tell me you're finally going to start finger-painting. I was wondering when they'd advance you to first grade."

Jack rolled his caramel eyes. "I'm picking some stuff up for Gavin. I guess him and Jojo are doing some type of poster."

"Ooh, I should go visit Gavin. It always feels like I never get to see him even though he's down the hall."

Jack looked down for a second as if he was trying to hide his smile. "Please, feel free to come by anytime."

For some reason, that made me look at my own feet. The way he spoke... it was so gentle, sincere. And he has yet to call me Penelope! Thank you, Felicia!

"Oh," he started up again, following me up the line. "I've been meaning to ask how you've been feeling."

I looked at him, confused. "Why?"

He gave me this duh-stare. "You've been missing classes, remember? Des said you were sick."

"Oh, right! Yeah, I'm totally fine now. No big deal. Just a cold."

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