Chapter 3 - Greetings!

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(Ash's POV)


I felt like this isn't going to be good, and even worse, what'll happen to them?

Nope, I'm been thinking too much, all I gotta do is relax, just for my snowflake, I took a deep breath...

"Honey, what's wrong?" (Y/N) intervened.

"uh, smelling the nice air of a good day, hehe." I laughed.

"Okaayy" she replied, rather unsure.

(Your POV)


I'm really concerned about Ash's actions right now, last time I saw him, he was like kinda tensing up, pretty sure he got stressed lately. Now, by the time we are taking a trip to the Underground, the Legend's old home after that war which happened years ago, he's terribly worried.

~Few Minutes Later~

"Whoo, we're here!" August said.

"Whoa~, is this--?" Aura and Kara gasped in awe.

We all had our tents up, and pretty sure Aura and Kara are really liking the view up on Mountain Danes.

It's nearly nighttime...

"Aura! Kara! Time for bed!" I shouted, for them to hear.

"Yes, mom!" they both got down to mountain, running,

"Oof!" Kara nearly stumbled, but she's okay.

"No running, no running." I said as the two girls entered the tent.

Ash and I entered into the girls' tent too, and the others into their own tents, we all began to sleep.

~Next morning~

(Ash's POV)


I woke up in the tent, empty, looks like they got up early, huh? "aura? kara? snowflake, where are you?" I popped my head out of the tent, looking for them.

Wait, Aura is... looking at the mountain, climbing... and she's sitting on it again? Aw, geez, not again...

"aura, get down from there, you might fall." I said,

"C'mon, dad, Kara and Mom are looking at the view up here! It's sooo cool!" she squealed with delight,

"Now, now, don't get too excited honey." (Y/N) giggled,

"alright, alright, if something happens, we're gonna have a bad time."

I sighed then teleported to the area where the twins and (Y/N) were there.

I saw the twins going to the exit of Mt. Danes, "Ooh, what is this?" Kara wondered aloud, her voice was echoing, then a snap was heard in the distance, then some kind for rumbling was heard in that cave...

"Um, dad?" Aura whined, trembling.

"uh, aura, kara, d-don't move any further in there..." I said, my eye starting to flash in red and white, but, after a little while, everything went silent... I deactivated my glowing eye and calmed down.


"Wonder what's in there..." Aura said, curiosity filled her mind, and she decided to go in.

"kids..." Ash said in a low tone, "that's a BAD idea you're coming up with..." he said, then a few moments, he let out a sigh and "okay, let's go in there. do NOT ever let go of me." he said as they enter the dark cave of wonder.

A few minutes had passed as they walked into the ink-dark cavern, they heard something, the twins kept holding on, trying hard not to let go... then appeared to them is a...


Aura screamed in shock, falling to the tiled floor, wait... was that?

"I'm Hanna." she said with a wave.

"well, what are you doing here?" Ash asked them, Aura and Kara behind him...

"Oh, please... I'm not gonna harm your daughters, silly" she giggled...

"what are you here for?" he said, a flash of white in his eyes.

"I'm just here for something..."

Word count: 574 words

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