Is this finally it ?

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Ashley's POV

OK it was time to leave to go to the park and i needed to bring my cousin but whatever , and then I got a text from Darren

D: I have a huge favour to ask you ?

A: what is it ?

D: My mom needs  me to babysit my sister Lynelle would it be ok :) if i brought her along ?

A: Ya sure I need to bring my cousin anyways :)

D: Cool ! they could play together while we talk.

A: oh ya that would be great 

5 mins later 

Darren's Pov

Ok this is the day where i tell Ashley i really like her and i want her to be my girlfriend ( ikr so kilig i can't even ) 

anyways i don't know how I'm going to say it but i will try my best to say it as chill as possible , oh no she's here and she brought her cousin along , aw she's so cute.  her and Lynelle can play while Ashley and I talk .

D: Hey Ashley so wanna go sit over there while Lynelle and Natalie play ?

A: sure okay :) 

D: Ashley , I want to ask you something ?

A: Ya , sure what is it ?

* Pause *

Ashley's Pov 

 this is it , I hope I can ask Darren if we are more than best friends , it's been such  a long time and I want to be more than that with him . Maybe after this day Darren and I will become MU's but I don't want it to ruin our friendship ...


A: What did you wanna ask me again ?

D: I know we've been friends for a long time  but I was wondering  if ...

A: Yes , Darren what is it ?

D: If it was ok if we were more than that ?

A: are you asking me out ? 

Lynelle : Kuya , I'm hungry na  ! !

D: Ok , hang on a sec Lynelle 

A: I will text you my answer when I get home :) 

D: Okay , I'll be waiting :)

A: See you later 

D: Ok bye

* Darren and Lynelle walk  home*

Darren's Pov

I wonder when Ashley is going to text me her answer  if she wants to e more than friends or not , I hope she wants to become more than that because even though we only met at singing competition that I was judging for . It doesn't matter I really like Ashley and I hope she feels the same way . 

* Later that day*

Ashley's Pov

I can't believe Darren feels the same way , I can't imagine what my life would  happen if Darren was never by my side . I need to text him my answer after dinner because I really want this to work between Darren and I.

OK, this is it lemme grab my phone and tell Darren . Wait where's my phone ?

ASHLEY! someone wants to talk to you ( my mom yells from downstairs )




OH SHIT , he's here ? but why I told him that I would text him my answer later ,  but I can't even find my phone . Whatever , ( ASHLEY IT'S NOT WHATEVER THIS IS A BIG DEAL ) breathe Ashley it's going to be ok. 



Hi Darren , what's up ? 

Oh i think you forgot this 

My phone , omg Darren you're my life saver thank you 

No problem so, are you going to tell me what your answer is ?

Hang on one sec

Mom , would it be ok if Darren and I go to my room ?

Sure go ahead 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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