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"YOU WERE TOTALLY AWESOME TODAY, Y/N!" Mina shrieked as she entered the common area. You looked over at her while you and Sero were cooking dinner. You chuclked. "Thanks, Mina!"

"We even had a rematch and we couldn't get the handcuffs on you." Momo pointed out as she sat on the couch. Bakugo huffed in an annoyed mood. "I would've won if you would've just stopped lagging all over the place." He mumbled.

"Your quirk is really good, and your analysis skills are amazing. You were able to think even in the toughest situations." Iida said, chopping the air.

"Now that I think about it, you don't take a hero course, let alone go to school." Midoryia thought aloud. "Why is that?"

"Well, after...you know...I didn't really wanna go to public school anymore, so I take online." You explained, distributing rice into bowls.

"Good job, Bakugo, we could've had y/n in our class if it weren't for you." Kirishima teased. "SHUT UP SPIKEYHAIR!" Bakugo growled. You smiled.

"Actually, I wasn't going to be a hero anyway."

"...What?" The class asked in unison. You rubbed the back of your neck, lightly chuckling. "Heh, yeah."

"Why not? Your quirk is practically untouchable!" Kaminari piped.

"Well, it's for a selfish reason...I have a huge fear of dying."

"Dying?" Todoroki repeated. You nodded, mixing soy sauce and basil together.

"Yeah, and that fear only got worse when I got into that car accident. If I can't face that fear, how am I supposed to save people when their lives are in danger, you know? Besides, I dream of becoming a pianist or an actress instead."

"An actress?" Bakugo asked. You squinted at him. "Yes, an actress. I'd have to get over my subtle stage fright, but I figured I'd follow behind my mom and dad."

"Your mom and dad were actors?" Momo asked. "Yep, still are. They're traveling all the time, filming movies and stuff like that."

"Wait a minute...Takagi....your parents are Takagi Widow and Takagi Bronstar!?" Sero asked, nearly letting the meat burn. The class gasped, Midoryia and Bakugo unfazed, as they already knew.

You smiled. "Yep. If I get into show-biz, I figured maybe I could see them more."

Bakugo watched as you handed everyone a plate of food. When you got to him, he stared at you intesenly. "W-What?" You whispered.

"Don't become an actress if you just want your shit-of-a-parents to notice you. They're already trash for leaving you in the first place."

You gave a small grin. "You left me, and I still want to see you, don't I?" You joked. Bakugo gritted his teeth.

"Thanks for looking out for me anyway..." You grinned before grabbing more plates to give out.

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