clair de lune

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when you see the "~" play the song above!

when you see the "~" play the song above!

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clair de lune

"MOMO, I FEEL STUPID." You cried in your dorm. Momo, Mina, and Jirou sat outside your door. "Come on, y/n! Everyone is waiting for your performance! I'm sure you look great!"

"You should've told me that you invited another class! Now I feel extra self-conscience!"

"The only person you should be scared of from Class 2-A is Monoma-"

"My hair looks bad, this dress is skin-tight, my makeup is-"

"SHUT UP AND COME OUT HERE!" Mina shouted, kicking your door open.

Their mouths dropped open.

"YOU LOOK SO GOOD!!!" They squealed. You wore black heels and a black satin dress with a slit at the end. Your curls were down, your bangs covering your forehead. You wore pretty silver earrings that dangled to the middle of your neck. Your makeup was nicely done and your nails were painted a soft white.

 Your makeup was nicely done and your nails were painted a soft white

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"You look like a real pianist!" Jirou beamed.

"Come on, you gotta go! They people are waiting!"

. . .

"HAHAHA WHERE IS YOUR PIANIST? IS SHE LATE? CLASS 2-A REALLY SUCKS HUH?" Monoma laughed. Kendo stomped on his toe with her heel. "Sorry about him, thanks for inviting us!" Kenod smiled to Midoryia. Midoryia waved his hands. "Don't worry about it, we're glad you all could make it!"

"Happy birthday, Bakugo!" Kendo turned behind her to see the grumpy birthday boy chugging down grape juice.

"Yeah, thanks- Who's idea was it to put grape juice in fancy wine glasses!" He complained.

"Alright everyone!" Momo cheered, entering the common area. She created a microphone from her chest. "I would like to introduce everyone to our pianist who will be starting the evening. Introducing pro hero Rock Lock's niece and Bakugo's childhood friend, Takagi Y/n!"

They lightly gasped at you entered the room in your outfit. Bakugo sat up straight as he examined your figure, nearly letting his glass slip from his

The class clapped as you took the microphone out of Momo's hands and walked over to the piano. When the claps and cheers settled down, you began to speak.

"Good evening, everyone." You uttered into the microphone. You looked up at Bakugo. "This is my gift to my dear friend, Kastuki Bakugo...I'm going to be honest, him and I had some bad blood for a few years, and I hated his guts."

"Didn't we all." Mina joked. The students laughed, making Bakugo roll his eyes.

"But...I'm glad I got to see him again...There was this song that Bakugo would ask me to play all the time. It was his favorite song, so I figured I'd play it for him again, since he hasn't heard it in a while."

The class clapped as you sat at the piano, Todoroki taking the microphone from you.~Kaminari dimmed the lights so only one shone on you. Bakugo sat up straight as you stared to play. As soon as you pressed the first note, he recognized the song.

She remembered...

"I hate playing this song though!"

"I don't care! I like it, so play it!"

"Ask me nicely, Kacchan, or I won't."



"UGH...With a red cherry on top!"


"...Y/n, why do you hate playing this song so much? It sounds so cool."


it was the last song I played for my parents before they never returned home."

You ran your fingers across the ivories, pressing each key firmly. You glanced over at Bakugo to calm your nerves, but nearly let your mouth drop open. He was...smiling.

It was a small grin, but it nearly made you miss a note. You gazed back at the piano, hiding your smile.

Happy birthday, Kacchan.

"Clair de Lune." Momo whispered as she stood by Bakugo. "By Debussy. I didn't know you had such taste."

"I don't have a damn clue who that is or the name of the song, I just like the way she plays it." He mumbled embarrassed.

"She's very passionate when she plays." Mina cooed. "I almost want to cry."

"What's so special about this song, anyway?" Kirishima asked, turning to Bakugo. He shrugged.

"It's the one song she hates. I think that's why I want to hear her play it so damn much...because each time, it sounds different."

"Different? In what way?" Momo asked.

"I don't fucking know. Sometimes she plays it fast paced, other times it's slower. Sometimes it's choppy, other times it flows. Depends on how she feels..."

"Well right now she's playing it slow and smoothly...maybe because she's happy!" Mina smiled.

Bakugo placed down his glass and watched you focus on the keys, your eyes frantically glitching from color to color.

That's not it.

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