so I guess my adventures started when I was 4 so let the story begin
hi I'm Emma most people call me Emma Grace I had just moved into the small town of Addis in Louisiana I was so excited to make new friends in preschool I was on my way there at the time I had beautiful hazel eyes that would change color and I had blond hair when I arrived I noticed one of the boys great my cousin Braden Romero
he was my arch enemy even though we were cousins I had to be nice when a adult was around me and him but when they leave I get a little bit competitive he would always lose to me in everything even though he was a year older than me then I noticed a boy right next to him he had beautiful brown eyes and black hair it was spiked I was only 4 so of course I liked him
so I went over to show my cousin who is boss I went up to him and punched him in the face he was crying like a little baby the teacher thought that it was just how me and my cousin played so she was pleased I went to the side of the room where the girls were they were all telling me to get away from them so I went to the side where the boys were I started playing with a car then a boy came up to me and said "hey those girls are being mean I'm lanny can I hang out with you you seem cool" I said"yeah you can I'm Emma by the way" so we played and played turns out that he didn't like my cousin either so on our way out we both hit him in the stomach and had a good laugh
Ok I know not that action packed but hey I was only four I thought that it was the best day of my life as a 4 year old
the adventurers of Louisiana(on hold)
Adventuresome action packed Awsome adventures in Louisiana that I had with some of my closest friends