Chapter 4

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Sans silently slid against the rock wall. Eyes that flicker in every direction to catch even the smallest sign of the presence of the enemy. With a quick and light step he slipped into an interlude between two houses in New Home. He was very careful to remain hidden in the shadows of the buildings. A patrol crossed the road in the opposite direction from his. He hid around a corner. When that was passed, he continued on his way to the palace. It was there, in fact, that humans had established their headquarters. And what better place than that to gather information? But obviously it wasn't all that easy. The palace was heavily guarded. Armed squares inspected every corridor and cameras were installed on every corner. But Sans was prepared. The King had provided him with a map of all the secret passages reserved for the royal family in anticipation of an attack. Now they had found a better use. Sans stopped a block away from the castle walls and took a shortcut to one of the warehouses in the east wing. Luckily the room was deserted. Supplies and furniture were piled one on top of the other and covered with dust. Normal dust, not monster's. Sans slightly opened the door and peered at the corridor it overlooked. Nobody, good. Looking up, he located a camera on the opposite corner about thirty meters away. With some quick calculations in his mind, he measured the radius of action and the speed of rotation and he established its blind spot. In a blink he was there, performing the process again with another camera. Whenever he saw guards, he threw himself into the first free room he found. The whole process took several hours. Especially because Sans didn't know where humans met to make their decisions. The throne room was deserted, the flowers that the King loved so much had withered and the throne had been destroyed. Everything seemed ruined and decaying now. Sans went on to inspect the various side halls and finally found what he was looking for. With light taps in sequence on specific stones of the corridor, a secret door opened and Sans slipped into it unnoticed. The passage was not illuminated and he had to proceed finding the way with his hands. But soon he arrived at his destination. Only a wall separated him from a room full of humans. He couldn't see them and they couldn't see him. But he could hear them. The voices were a little muffled and he put his metaphorical ear against the wall to hear better. At the moment they were complaining about some disappearances of food ration supplies. Sans could not help but smirk. Guilty. The complaints went on for quite some time and nobody could find an explanation. The voices grew louder. They were fighting. Sans could not understand how these people had risen to the government if they could not even get along with each other. Humans were strange. They were about to move from words to deeds when there was the sound of someone beating a hand on the table. Silence fell. "Enough! This farce has gone on far too long. We are here to discuss the last details of tomorrow's attack, not to fight among us. Who cares about the food rations. By the day after tomorrow this war will be over and we can all go back at home and eat anything we want! " growled a low, authoritarian voice. Nobody dared to reply. Sans paid more attention to the speech. "Now, as scheduled, we will review the plan and establish the teams chosen for the work. Please, Tom." Noise of moved chairs. Another voice spoke, "Of course. So, our men are finishing transporting the explosives to the various predetermined locations. Then the bomb squads will come into action and assemble them. A large quantity of explosives has been placed in front of the enemy barricades and the rest along all the perimeter of these underground caves. Preparations will be completed later this night and the evacuation phase will begin. Once all our troops have come down from Mount Ebott, our cannons will fire and a chain reaction will be triggered. The monsters will be buried by the debris or blown away by the explosions. They will have no escape. The whole work will be finished by lunchtime. "Sans was shocked. Terror took hold of him and a static noise invaded his skull. He could not think. He could not catch his breath. He slumped against a wall and tried not to make any noise while he was having a panic attack. His orbits were lifeless and large cyan tears streaked his face. All his body was shaking. Despite all his efforts to remain still, a slight rattling noise left his bones. 'Calm down, calm down, calm down' he repeated in his head. 'There's no use in getting caught now, calm down ... "Eventually he could hear the voices again. Luckily they hadn't noticed him. He got up on trembling legs and determined that the humans had no other useful information for him. It took a few moments to recompose itself and collect his magic. He took a shortcut to Waterfall. His last thought before he vanished was, 'how do I tell them?'.

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