🌷Chapter 5🌷

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Aliyah's POV

I locked the car doors and sighed what am i getting myself into I already have 3 kids and a best friend as a responsibility and now I'm getting the 4th one.

I mean I don't regret taking her back there but to throw her into this world is just selfish its like I saved her just to throw her into the mafia world I can handle the mafia because I was trained to handle it so for her I'm sure it will be worse then what she went through when she finds out that I'm the leader of the most feared Mafia.

I shake my head mumbling cursers under my breath,no this is an important thing I have to focus i can't focus on the girl in the back seat of my car,even though I have to deal with her later I need to know more about her she can be a rival.

As I enter the building I could feel the rage shock through my core I will rip who so ever dare to do this to me. Empty enough I had to recruit people that I didn't want to recruit only because they witnessed this happen but the people that were doing this were wearing masks.

I approach the rest of the mafia that were now standing over all the dead bodies,this raid was not to keep people alive it was to make sure every witness dies and I know that my newly recruited fellas were next if they were found out about,which,i won't let happen.

I have to question them and here the only lie detector will be myself,i can't stand lies like how they say a smoker can detect another smoker similar situations just I do not lie and I despise lies.

"Boss,there is nothing left here to investigate although I am putting it through,I also don't think we must jump into conclusions because if we wrong about the victim then it will just cause a war! "my second in command says respectfully bowing her head,even though she's like a sister publicly she must respect me as the Donna of the mafia.

"I hear you, but I want my best parties available to hunt down this mafia I will show them why I am a Donna of this mafia and why not to mess with me"red flashed causing me to clench and unclench my first and jaw.

The voice in my head was telling me to kill these bastards right away but I knew that I couldn't not until I know exactly who did this.

"Yes boss,shall we leave now so that the looking begins we need clues after all "said one of my agents

With a nod I begun walking towards the door multiple questions swimming inside my head who did this? Am I ever going to be able to kill then with my bare hands?why did they do this even after they know who I am ?this person got some guts to do so !

"Girl there is someone in your car it's a little girl,must I kicked her out "Anisa snapped me out of my murderous thoughts,the though mentally groaned but I just widen my eyes rolled as I looked at Anisa wide eyed.

"No I saved her I want to question her and girl if you still want to live a life without being disabled then never sneak up on me when I'm deep in thought "I playfully glared at her.

"Im sorry I just wanted to find out don't be a stick in the arse! "She chuckled raising her hands in surrender.

I shoved her playfully before sliding into the car and looking at the babe behind us to see her silently sobbing.

"Hey it's going to be okay dear,what is you name "I turn and indulge her into a warm motherly hug.

"Anastasia,I am Italian"she stuttered you could hear the similarity in our voice

"Anastasia,I am Italian"she stuttered you could hear the similarity in our voice

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Anastasia ¡¡¡

No that I look at her malnourished body I think she is 17 going to 18 or something.

"Then it's okay because I am Italian too"i smiled at her at turned to a now smiling Anisa.

"Let's go home and then we can talk about her "They all nod and I drive.

I can't wait to hear more about this girl she seems so frighten and confused it's almost as if someone have been living her life or making her live hers according to them.


Hey guys

I know its been a while since I updated but i had tons of school work and i had to focus I will try my best to stay her and update regularly

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