🌷Chapter 2🌷

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I stood at the entrance if the kitchen and watched as Anisa and the kids prepared lunch, it looked like they making lasagna and a little more siders.

The kids showed their true colours the moment they entered the kitchen, I guess they got it from me because I also love cooking, that's why I would never hire a personal chef.

Anisa carry on humming as she  dance her way around the kitchen her and the children passing things from one another, they hadn't noticed me yet and that was probably good.

I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and my sight felt on Daisy, my eldest I adopted her one day, but that is a story for another day.

"Why you standing here silently mom go inside!" Daisy said tapping my shoulder and nugging me playfully, I looked at her and smiled before we both entered the kitchen.

"I have been watching these three cook, quiet amusing I tell you to see that Anisa was being ordered by kids" I laugh and the others joined me.

Soon after the food was done and I helped Daisy set the table before we all washed our hands and sat down. Once we were all seated at the table i started the prayer

"Lord if the heavens and the earth please look after my family and I through thick and through thin." Every said their amens before digging into their food like there's no tomorrow

We made small talk here and there before i had to go upstairs to my office to complete my paper work

"Hey mom,i was wondering if we could go to the park with Aunt Anisa we will be back before its to late i promise?"Daisy nervously asked

"Okay but carry protection and some of my guards"i know i was being hard but I'm a Mafia leader i have thousand enemies so they could strike when they have a chance its not are for my kids and Anisa

"Okay"she hopped out of the room after kissing my cheek and thanking me

Okay now its time for some real work...

****A few hours later

So now im sitting and watching my kids jump around the park happily i finished my work hours ago and decided to spend tune with MY family i mean im keeping it YOLO

I chuckle as i see Anisa swing like a 4 year old i always loved Anisa the first day we meet is still fresh in my brain


We were still in college like seriously she was a new kid

"Morning class today we have a new student Anisa Cortez please welcome her"our lecture Mr fitz said as Anisa stood besides him

When i looked at her i could see that she was covering a big black bruise underneath her eye with concealer that wasn't doing a very good job

There are responsibilities that come with being a Mafia leader and one of then was observation skills i could see that she doesn't even eat alot i could literally see her bone so i just sat there quiet watching her some people would think im lesbian but you know when you abused you act different and when you bullied you act different also,so i was trying to see if she gets this bruises at school or at home and my answer was obvious at home

I know that i didn't have to go to college or university but i had to,because i wouldn't want people knowing who i really am but there were people who knew and to tell you i didn't really give a fuck

My family always Thought that a girl was weak and couldn't handle the Mafia world but i always be levied that a Mafia with out a girl leader is weak like a King with out the Queen

So i just texted my man to see who her parents are one thing i hate is people disrespecting women or abusing them

And once i found them i kept them as prisoners i would torture everyday this is how i work i torture you then when im done i send you to bath and wear something nice and lock you up again the same thing happens over and over

"Hey my names Anisa the teacher is scared to tell you his self but he said i must sit here"she whispers causing me to smirk his scared?good

"Cool oh and why are you covering the bruise underneath your eye and why aren't you eating because Margret and Norman is not your boss they only your parents"i say turning to look at her

"I "she looked at me shocked from my outburst like i don't beat around the bush

"Yah i know and from today on you in my Mafia and you will stay with the rest of the team members understand?"

"Yes"she says scared

And the the rest of the day went the SAME but we became close friends and that a why we closer now

Well from the start I could tell that my mafia would need her and I really was cool with her than now I'm like her sisters well we are sisters


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