🌷Chapter 13🌷

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3rd POV

"Ma'lady can I please have this dance with you"Angelo asks with a smirk on his face.

"yes you can"Aaliyah put her hand in his hand and pulls him to the dance floor.

"So you not worried about people knowing? "Angelo inquired with joy inside twirling her around.

"well yes and not because of that,because I saw some snipers and RUSSIANS here,please pull out the gun by my thighs?"The gun already had a silencer so that it doesn't affect people. 

Once Angelo had the gun in his hand he instructed her to take the gun out from his back and with both of their guns out they started shooting Russo's man.

Well they were almost down but then they spotted us and started shooting in our direction.

We stopped facing each other and turned making our backs touch and start turning around and shooting I heard Angelo groan next to me. 

I look over my shoulder to see that Angelo is shot in the arm,and Anisa in the thigh.

"Go behind the table Angelo I'll cover you"I rush Angelo grabbing Anisa in the way.

"Okay Anisa I want to you to move to the back exit with Angelo, Angelo please go and look after the kids and your self now go,i will come as soon as I am done.

"No,i just got shot in the arm remember the contract what if something happen to you,you have kids you know I have you and Marco and the mafia so just go and I will stay and fight"Angelo said wincing every two words.

You could see his in pain and he was losing blood but his too stubborn to understand,i just gave Anisa the look that say listen please and turn to look at Angelo.

"Listen to me carefully,ever since we started dating we broke the contract rules and did we get hurt no right now I want you to leave and I will handle this with the other's  now go"I pushed them leaving no room for arguments.

I turn around and look at the scene unfolding in front of me

I smile evilly and tie my hair up in a bun I take off my heels and my weapons.

I grab 2 of my knifes and throw them hitting the 2 at the door and take my gun shooting the other with the help of the guards.

Once I'm sure all the man are down I come out from behind the flipped table and look around it was a mess of dead bodies I'm sure right know Russo is angry that all his man that were on the mission are dead.

"Donna,we have 5 dead and 3 in hospital injured "one of my man Informed me looking around.

"Okay I want a funeral planed soon and our condolences to the family if they had one and also call up the cleaning team,this must be clean ASAP"


Hope you enjoyed

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