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Danny felt Linda dozing off next to him, which was somehow so peaceful. She had picked out her new glasses- cute, rectangular purple frames. She had been a little upset first, saying it made her feel old, but had cheered up when Danny showed her a picture of himself with glasses. She told him he gave off a 'sexy college professor vibe', which led into a conversation of role playing in the bedroom, to which Linda declared them kinky.

He rubbed his thumb over her hand, saying another silent prayer of thanks. She was calm, so peaceful as she drifted off to sleep. The noises from the tv were faint and distant, and his cologne filled her nose, traveling to her brain, and just completely calming her to the point of sleep.

Maybe she was already tired, bracease of what she went through (which no one would tell her, and they were hesitant because she seemed mildly okay being bedridden in the hospital for unknown reasons). Soon the tv sounds weren't there anymore, neither were the beeps and hums or the full throb of pain everywhere in her body. Soon it was just peace and serenity and Danny's loving, strong presence.

Danny had told her all she wanted to know. He told her about her obsession over the New Kids On The Block. He told her how chocolate was her favorite treat in the world, whether it be in small circular form, cupcake form, or ice cream form. He told her how he knew he wanted to be with her since the moment he first laid eyes on her. He told her about the wedding, about Mary, about Joe. At all the stories, she seemed like she had heard them before a long, long time ago. Some of them where a long time ago, like when he had first met her (Danny didn't even want to think how long ago that had been), and the wedding was decently a far away past event. Twenty one years wasn't a long time, but it felt like yesterday and one hundred years had passed all at the same time.

Danny smiled as Linda softly started to snore, slowly curling more into him. Of course, it was hard with the full cast on her leg, but he made sure to hold her and protect her from her demons.


Danny stood helpless hours later while Linda screamed. She screamed at him to get away, she screamed how much she hated him, how she never wanted to see him again. He knew she didn't mean it, but it still stung. He knew she was waking from a terrible nightmare, because she would never say those things otherwise.

Within seconds, she was bawling, reaching out for him, repeating 'I'm sorry' over and over again. The nurse gave her more Valium, wrote down her vitals and other important information Danny had given her. Once Linda fully calmed down, the nurse left, leaving Danny with specific instructions.

"They want you to sleep now." He looked at the clock- it was bedtime. He hadn't payed attention to time all day, so he wasn't sure when she woke up from the coma.

"I'm sorry." Linda hung her head, tears slowing down.

"Hey," he said softly, positioning himself next to her like before. "It was an accident. You were having a bad dream. You're okay now. Let's try to sleep."

He pushed the down button, making the bed move until Linda decided on the angle. He helped her reposition herself, turned the lights off, then climbed in next to her.

Quite surrounded them for several minutes until Linda spoke. "Danny?"

"Hm?" He turned his face towards her.

With her good hand, she started massaging his face. Her fingers trailed over his cheek, and when he turned slightly to kiss her fingers, she let him. She felt serene as his lips kissed every digit, every finger pad, every knuckle. He lingered on the last knuckle, and that's when she spoke.

"I love you."

His lips still pressed against her flesh, he responded suit. "I love you more."

Sleepily, with her hand falling to his chest, she answered, "I love you most."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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